3 in 3 for 4-19-24

By: Steve Huston

Three Decency Minutes talking about life and death: death prior to birth (abortion), the promotion of an early death (euthanasia), and how policy affects life and death in war (emboldening an enemy against an ally). As Christians, we at American Decency know that God alone is the Giver of life and He alone should be the Taker of life as well; any deviation from this is an attempt to usurp His authority. I guess that about sums up sin, a usurpation of (or any attempt to overrule) God’s authority over His created order. What man often forgets is that God is Ruler over all, He is sovereign, and, in the end, His way wins. Or as Paul states in Galatians 6:7, “Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.” Perhaps this is why God has always encouraged His people to keep – hold dear, guard as precious – His commandments and to walk in them.

After reading or listening to Bill Johnson narrate these Decency Minutes, I would encourage you to do three things: Be in prayer for our nation and the troubles listen below. Be active in putting a stop to these evils. Be about the business of resting in our Lord and enjoy the good blessings He has showered upon you.

Real Conservative or Coward

Every baby knit together by his or her Creator has the inalienable right to life.  Recently, the Arizona Supreme Court upheld a law passed in 1864 which recognized that truth.

That ban on abortion had been in effect in Arizona all the way up to 1973 when it was superseded by Roe.  However, not only the Left, but many on the Right, condemned this decision to protect the unborn, including Republican Senate candidate, Kari Lake.

Instead of making the compelling case to the American people that abortion is morally wrong because it intentionally kills defenseless human beings, Republicans are surrendering the issue to Democrats out of fear of losing elections.  So-called conservatives are following the establishment’s playbook, compromising on life in order to win votes.  We’ll never win hearts and minds by just being slightly less pro-abortion than the Left.  We need principled conservatives, not cowards.


Will Michigan be #11?

Euthanasia is a growing cause of death in countries where it’s legalized.  In the Netherlands, euthanasia accounts for one out of every 20 deaths, while in Canada it’s the fifth-leading cause of death.  Doctors have offered assisted suicide to Canadians who can’t afford housing, struggling veterans, those on months-long waiting lists for healthcare, or simply because it’s less expensive to push death rather than provide care.

Here in the U.S., ten states have legalized assisted suicide.  Michigan will be the 11th – if proposed bills become law.

Doctors should do everything possible to relieve suffering, but there’s a stark difference between end-of-life comfort and causing a life to end.

Our bodies – including our life and our death – belong to God. They aren’t ours to dispose of as we will. The giving and taking of life is God’s right.  Euthanasia is an attempt to usurp His authority.

Learn more about this particular crime against God and man:

* Read the front page of our most recent newsletter, Frontline, when it soon arrives in your mailbox. If you don’t receive this free publication, sign up for it here. Or you can read this article on our website here.

* Read another article on this from our website with action points specific to Michigan here. Within this article is also a link to a website that will inform you, according to your specific state, what legislation is being considered or has been passed regarding euthanasia.


Biden’s Feckless Foreign Policy

Like an ineffective parent who warns a rebellious child of consequences, but never follows through, Biden’s inept foreign policy is made up of one impotent word: “Don’t.”  Since Israel was brutally attacked by Hamas, the Biden administration’s form of deterrence has merely been to tell the radical regimes in the Mid-East “don’t” escalate – which they’ve repeatedly ignored, culminating in Iran brazenly launching over 300 missiles at Israel.

Yet the feckless Biden administration, which gave Iran billions of dollars, continues to undermine Israel, our main ally in the Mid-East.  Iran is testing the boundaries, and if this administration doesn’t respond with consequences, Iran will be emboldened to attack again.

Yet Biden’s main concern is securing votes, not securing our nation.  Biden’s foreign policy is based on winning the approval of anti-Israel protestors in the U.S. who chant “Death to America” and cheer when Israel is attacked.

Puritan Thomas Manton on God’s authority and our responsibility:

God counts his authority to be despised and laid aside, and the command and obligatory power of his law to be made void, if a man shall either in doctrine or practice count any transgression of his laws so light and venial as not to be stood upon, as if it were but a trifle. Christians, if we had the awe of God’s authority upon our hearts, what kind of persons would we be at all times, in all places, and in all company? what a check would this be to a proud thought, a light word, or a passionate speech? – what exactness would we study in our conversations, had we but serious thoughts of the sovereign majesty of God, and of his authority forbidding these things in the word!


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