3 in 3 for 3-22-24

By: Steve Huston

We count it a great privilege to write, record, post on our webpage, and send out through email our weekly Decency Minutes. God has blessed us with several means of getting important messages out to others, may we never take that for granted.

This week’s Decency Minutes, narrated by Bill Johnson, also remind us of several things we, as Americans, should never take for granted: the protection of free speech, financial freedom and privacy, and the ability to discern reality/truth, if we will trust in the source of all truth – God, Who has given us His Word, that we may know Him and what He requires of us.

We encourage you to reflect on the freedoms and privileges below, recognizing that they are supposed to be protected by our Constitution, but they are given to us by the gracious Hand of God. Praise God for His goodness; thank Him for these privileges; and pray that He will rule and overrule in the hearts and minds of those who have been placed in these positions of authority.

Who’s Being Hamstrung?

It’s a known fact that the Biden administration has colluded with social media to suppress the speech of conservatives.  Many on the Left have long exhibited a disdain for the Bill of Rights.  It’s one thing for partisans to express such views, it’s another to have a Supreme Court justice do the same.

In a recent hearing in which the Supreme Court will rule whether the government can pressure social media to do their bidding by censoring opinions of Americans, Biden appointee Justice Jackson stated she was concerned that the First Amendment could hamstring the government.

It seems as if Justice Jackson should know that’s the intended purpose of the First Amendment – to protect the freedom of individuals from governmental overreach.  If the government is allowed to dictate what we are and aren’t allowed to say, the rest of our rights will soon fall, as well.


Say “NO” to CBDCs

IF Joe Biden has his way, he’ll soon strip every American of their financial privacy through the use of Central Bank Digital Currencies. It’s vital that the House pass HR 1122 and the Senate S 887. Once in place, these bills will block Biden from taking “Orwellian control of your finances that will effectively be a line-item veto on your spending.

IF Biden has his way, the government could lock or limit your purchases, block contributions to certain nonprofit organizations, incentivize certain purchases, and much, much more. This should NEVER happen in America; your freedoms are at stake!

Act now! Call your congressman through the capitol switchboard at 202-224-3121.

Urge them to VOTE YES on HR 1122 and S 887.

Call 202-224-3121 and urge them to protect your financial freedom!

We published an article on this topic which gave several action steps that one can take to let their voice be heard here. One of those steps was to sign a petition presented by Liberty Counsek here.


Reality Aligns with God’s Word

What the Bible says about sex and marriage is not a mystery.  But in the eyes of some – even some pastors – they now believe the Bible to no longer be clear on such things.

This confusion is a result of concerted LGBT activism created to make Christians look like bigots and the articulation of Scripture viewed as a form of hate speech.   It’s part of a strategy using false theology to confuse, divide and erode confidence in God’s Holy Word.

The wiles of the devil are alive and well.  It should heighten the sincere Christian to seek first the Kingdom of God, spending time with the Lord and in His Word to gain maturity needed to defend one’s faith.

 For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword … a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. Hebrews 4:12

“Freedom is not a gift bestowed upon us by other men, but a right that belongs to us by the laws of God and nature.” ~Benjamin Franklin

“It becomes us humbly to approach the throne of Almighty God, with gratitude and praise, for the wonders which his goodness has wrought in conducting our forefathers to this western world…” ~Thomas Jefferson

“It is when a people forget God, that tyrants forge their chains.” ~Patrick Henry

“The Founding Fathers believed that faith in God was the key to our being a good people and America becoming a great nation.” ~Ronald Reagan


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