Our Decency Minutes seem to work as a prayer request list each week. This week, we urge you to join us for an outdoor prayer vigil in front of our building (203 E. Main St. Fremont, MI) tomorrow, Saturday, October 26 from 10 AM -Noon. Please arrive by 9:30 AM at the American Decency building for a time of prayer, preparation, and instruction, for this outdoor time of calling upon God for His continued grace, mercy, and protection.
Our nation is in desperate need of God’s people to gather together and pray; we need His guidance! The churches of America are in desperate need of prayer; we need His purifying and sanctifying touch! We and our families are in desperate need of God’s truth and leading as we play the integral role of society’s basic building block – we can reach others uniquely. I urge you to join us.
As you read or listen to Bill Johnson narrate these Decency Minute scripts, I want you to be aware that each of them has come from this month’s free newsletter (November). Be sure to either contact us at kimberly@americandecency.org to be put on our mailing list or check out all our newsletter articles online here.
Please join us Saturday!
Don’t Silence Your Vote Or Your Voice!
The result of next week’s election will not save America; however, it could destroy it. Recently, theologian Os Guinness warned: “I wish people understood [this] moment. … We’re on the verge of America becoming unrecognizable.” It’s more than just who will serve as president that will be determined on November 5; survival of the Constitution is also on the ballot. The choices before us represent distinctly divergent worldviews. One seeks to uphold the foundational principles of ordered liberty, the other desires to send us further down a Marxist path of authoritarian rule.
However, no matter which candidate prevails, our marching orders remain the same – proclaim Christ and be salt and light. We can’t do this if we retreat from the public square. Silencing our voice or our vote is surrendering to evil. By the grace of God, may we stand for His Truth in these turbulent times.
Discipleship in the Political Party?
This election brought about a great political realignment. Gone are the days where the image evoked by the word “Republican” is of an ardently pro-life, anti-LGBTQ, Bible-thumping Christian or the word “Democrat” brings to mind a pro-peace, anti-corporation, hemp-wearing pagan.
We no longer have the luxury of the ideological divide running parallel to the political divide. What that means for conservative Christians is that our promotion of Biblical values like the rights of the unborn and traditional marriage and strong families can’t just be aimed across the aisle. The people next to us at the political rally may or may not be “values voters,” but we must still have the courage to stand on what the Bible says.
More than ever, Christ’s Great Commission to the church to “disciple the nations,” must drive the church. We can start in our own nations, and our own political parties.
Largely, America is in chaos. There are many good people, but evil has descended like a thick fog, keeping many from seeing clearly, leaving them disoriented.
Who will sweep the fog away? Who can save the nation? Certainly not men of straw! Not men who are, as C.T. Studd states, “chocolate soldiers” either. Samuel Chadwick rightly describes the men we so desperately need today:
“They are men conscious of a divine mission, inspired by a great faith, sustained in prayer and men who count not their lives dear unto themselves. They carry the burden of the people’s shame and woe. The open victory is the fruit of secret prayers and tears. Such men may appear suddenly, but they are not made in a day.”
Only men of fervent, persistent prayer who are emboldened by God’s grace to proclaim unadulterated truth and righteousness will meet today’s need.
Note: (A Chocolate soldier is an expression referring to a good-looking but useless warrior, perhaps one who would “melt” in the heat of battle.)
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