3 in 3 for 10-18-24

By: Steve Huston

There’s no denying the fact that there’s much at stake in this upcoming election; both sides will tell you that. This week’s Decency Minutes, narrated by Bill Johnson, though vitally important, only scratch the surface of the troubles we face as a nation and as individuals.

We can only do our part, which includes but isn’t limited to: voting and encouraging others to vote, having intentional conversations with others about the issues and addressing the truths and falsehoods surrounding them; helping others see Biblically and historically where such decisions being made will lead us; and then resting in the Lord.

In the midst of the political storm that surrounds us and the resulting collateral squalls that press in to our personal world, it would be easy to look at the storm instead of the Master of the storm. Keep looking unto Jesus, for He is the one who can simply command, “Peace. Be still!” In that moment, the heart of His child can know a peace that passeth all understanding, even if a raging tempest continues to surround us.

Those who are wise will do two things: 1. Address the storm with Christ, not getting caught up in it. 2. Look beyond the physical/political storm and see the spiritual storm that truly rages within the soul of man. We certainly cannot see within their heart, for only God can do that, but we must realize that the blustery wind and lightning strikes which come from their being is indicative of the storm which rages within. Share with them the love of Christ and pray.


Voting for Life or Death

There is much at stake in the upcoming election, but in ten states across America, the results on November 5 are literally a matter of life and death. In these states voters will decide whether abortion through birth will be enshrined within their state constitutions.

Pro-abortion zealots have pushed these radical ballot proposals, which are vaguely and deceptively written, in order to mislead voters. Outside pro-abortion groups have spent millions to flood the airwaves with duplicitous ads.

This happened two years ago in Michigan with Proposal 3 and now we have unlimited abortion in our state, with no easy way of overturning it.

Satan seeks “to steal, kill, and destroy” – which is exactly what these pro-abortion ballot proposals will do. Please pray that God will turn the hearts of the voters in these ten states to protect the unborn and turn our nation back to Him.


Who’s actually running this country?

Answers to debate questions pre-planned before the debate, inability to operate (at least at times) without a teleprompter, her own book about her own experiences as a prosecutor featuring multiple examples of plagiarism – all these examples from Kamala Harris raise the same questions we had watching Joe Biden in his past year of trying to run the country and run for office while exhibiting signs of dementia.

Who’s actually running this country? When do we get to vote for the people writing the scripts, planning the answers, running the teleprompter, telling the candidate what their positions are going to be?

Clearly, until those folks are up for election, we can’t claim to have a representative form of government because the people deciding what the “president” is going to do and say don’t answer to the American people!

Vote for representative government this November, it may be our last chance.

Click here to read an article we recently published on this topic!

Free Speech

We must fight to retain our First Amendment; Democrats are attempting to wrest it out of our hands, regardless of the Constitution’s guarantee of free speech.

When Leftists strike against the First Amendment, they attack truth and those who search for truth. For example, to promote their destructive agendas, they demean those who oppose them. If you don’t buy into their gender fluid or climate hoaxes, you’re a “science denier.” Another example would describe how the Left has been busy passing laws that inhibit people from investigating elections and would like to jail those who pass “misinformation” on, meaning anything that goes against the government narrative.

Our Founders knew how vital free speech is to liberty and to maintaining a nation’s right relationship with God. George Washington warned, “If freedom of speech is taken away, then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter.”

Charles Spurgeon had much to share about weathering the storms of this life. Here are a few choice ones:

“It is often so with us; when the winds are out and the storms are raging there is plenty of fear, but there is no danger. We may be much tossed, but we are quite safe, for we have an anchor of the soul both sure and stedfast, which will not start. One blessed thing is that our hope has such a grip on us that we know it. In a vessel you feel the pull of the anchor, and the more the wind rages the more you feel that the anchor holds you. Like the boy with his kite: the kite is up in the clouds, where he cannot see it, but he knows it is there, for he feels it pull; so our good hope has gone up to heaven, and it is pulling and drawing us towards itself.

“Songs in the night, too, prove that we have true courage. Many sing by day who are silent by night, they are afraid of thieves and robbers; but the Christian who sings in the night proves himself to be a courageous character. It is the bold Christian who can sing God’s sonnets in the darkness.”

“Wait a little longer. Ah, beloved! How despicable our troubles and trials will seem when we look back upon them! Looking at them here in the prospect, they seem immense; but when we get to heaven, they will seem to us just nothing at all….Let us go on, therefore; and if the night be ever so dark, remember there is not a night that shall not have a morning; and that morning is to come by-and-by.”

“Oh! it is a great blessing to be put through the fire, if you come out purified. It is a sweet mercy to have to go through the floods, if some filthiness may thereby be removed. The children of Israel went down to Egypt to sojourn there, but after hard servitude and cruel oppression they came up out of it with silver and gold, much enriched by their bondage.”

Spurgeon addresses this topic often, but let us take our leave with one more blessed encouragement:

Times of trouble send our hope deep down into fundamental truths. Some of you people who have never known affliction, you rich people who never knew want, you healthy folks who were never ill a week, you have not half a grip of the glorious hope that the tried ones have. Much of the unbelief in the Christian Church comes out of the easy lives of professors. When you come to rough it, you need solid gospel. A hard-working man cannot live on your whipped creams and your syllabubs – he must have something solid to nourish him.”

(“Syllabub is a sweet dish made by curdling sweet cream or milk with an acid such as wine or cider. It was a popular British confection from the 16th to the 19th centuries.” – Wikipedia)


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