1 in 1 for 10-4-24 (MARK your calendar!)

By: Steve Huston

We only have one Decency Minute this week because we want as many people as possible in the West Michigan area who listen to American Family Radio (AFR) to hear about our upcoming event! Would you please help us spread the word by passing this email along or sharing the Decency Minute link on your favorite social media platforms? Here is the script which Bill Johnson narrated for us:

The Great Reset Event

Perhaps you’ve heard the term “The Great Reset” and wondered what that is.

Join us at American Decency in Fremont to hear compelling speaker, Jay Jusino, as he exposes this international agenda of globalist leaders and organizations to take away American sovereignty, placing us under the authoritarian control of globalism.

Jusino’s message will include addressing the globalist agenda, including their quest of reducing worldwide population.  He’ll also make us aware of how they use crises such as war, climate change, gun control, and health related concoctions to accomplish their agenda.

Join us Thursday, October 17 at 2:30 p.m. at American Decency, 203 E. Main St, in Fremont.  To register or for more information call 231-924-4050.  

If you’d like to help us by sharing this link on your social media, copy and paste this link:  https://americandecency.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/10-4-24-The-Great-Reset.mp3


If you were one of the nearly 90 people who joined us last year for The Great Reset event presented by Jay Jusino, you won’t want to miss out on our upcoming event on Thursday, October 17 at 2:30 p.m. hosted by American Decency (203 E. Main St, Fremont, MI.). This is a stand-alone event, so even if you weren’t in attendance last year, you’ll want to call and reserve your seat today at 231-924-4050. Because of copyright concerns, we weren’t able to create a DVD of last year’s event, but here are two links that will help you to review what we learned last year. Understanding The Great Reset:  A Biblical Analysis Going Forward (Part 1 & Part 2). Again, this IS a stand-alone event; one needn’t view these in order to attend and understand what Jay is presenting this time.

Jay Jusino was a long-time educator, having taught in both the public schools and Christian schools.  He now dedicates himself to warning any and all audiences of international trends which intend to place us under the authoritarian control of globalist elites.

He is a Christian truthteller and, as such, he doesn’t give way to fearmongering or lead his audience to hopelessness. In fact, the opposite is true; he grounds his presentations in the Word of God, uncovering both the sinfulness of man and the holiness and sovereignty of God. He does a tremendous amount of research, showing the globalist’s agenda in their own words, laying out the facts before his audience.

Here’s a brief synopsis of last year’s event: The largest part of the Great Reset’s history was based on Darwin’s evolution and Marx’s communism – thoroughly researched, well documented, and interestingly presented. We were often reminded that the goal of these evolutionary/Marxist based tyrannical regimes was complete control of the individual, but it hasn’t been until recently that such technology was available to bring their nefarious plans to fruition. In Jay’s documentation we saw that they don’t even try to hide this goal today; it’s presented as a better life for everyone. If mankind doesn’t unite “on a monastic, unitary basis” it perishes. The advancement of technology is now used to create the final narrative of “Scientific world religious humanism” and they used COVID as a means to put this Great Reset in place. It was the transfer tool to the New World Order through mRNA “vaccines” and nanotechnology which, for some, makes the push for transhumanism acceptable.

In the “now” phase of the Great Reset, Jay spent a lot of time speaking about Klaus Schwab, the 4th Industrial Revolution, and how nearly every institution – many unknowingly – are pushing the idea of “peace and safety” through the globalist agenda. This is also a Biblical term of warning.

Klaus Schwab is obsessed with genetic manipulation which includes the concept of transhumanism (man 2.0); that’s just an acceptable name for eugenics. Jay spent a great deal of time breaking these things all down and connecting them together with the Bible.


American Decency is pleased to offer the great opportunity to have researcher and presenter Jay Jusino speak again on this complex and concerning subject, with updated material – The Great Reset.

His presentation exposes the agenda of world governance organizations – such as the World Health Organization, United Nations, and World Economic Forum – and globalist leaders and influencers, including Tedros Ghebreyesus, Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab, and many others. There’s no need to make assumptions or far-fetched connections to put together complicated theories – Jusino just shows us what these people and institutions say their goals are in their own words.

Jusino’s message will include addressing the globalist agenda, which includes their quest of reducing the worldwide population through subtle and not-so-subtle ways.  Jay will also make us aware of how they will use crises to accomplish their worldwide goals:  war, climate change, gun control, health related concoctions.

Join us:

WHEN: Thursday, October 17 at 2:30 p.m.

WHERE: American Decency Association, 203 E. Main St, Fremont, MI.

RESERVE your seat: 231-924-4050.

CALL TODAY! Seating may be limited despite it being an afternoon event.

Let me close with this word:And of the children of Issachar, which were men that had understanding of the times, to know what Israel ought to do; the heads of them were two hundred; and all their brethren were at their commandment.” (I Chronicles 12:32)

If ever we needed understanding of our times, IT IS TODAY! Jay Jusino is like unto a “child of Issachar” in that he understands what is going on and has a gift of teaching so that Christians in America might know what they ought to do. Please, come get informed and go inform others.


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