Will the Real Terrorists Please Stand Up

By: Lisa Van Houten

The horrific Hamas terrorist attack upon Israel captured the attention of Americans this week, reminding us of our own 9-11 when ruthless terrorists targeted innocent American civilians.  Gary Bauer reported on Monday – when the known death toll was 800 Israelis (that total is now at least 1,200) – that in proportion to the U.S. population, it would be equivalent to 20,000 -25,000 Americans being killed in an attack. (Considering 3,000 were killed on 9-11, it would be as if we had at least seven 9-11 attacks within a 24-hour period.)

The barbaric slaughter of families within their homes; the beheading of babies; the Hamas paragliders who descended upon concert-goers in an open field, mowing them down with machine guns – it all reminds us of what we have complacently forgotten:  Islamic extremism is still alive and well.  To Islamic extremists, Israel is the “Little Satan” and the U.S. is the “Great Satan.”  So why do we think what happened in Israel, couldn’t happen here?

Then consider the recent data obtained by Fox News regarding our porous southern border. In the last two years under the Biden administration, the U.S. Border Patrol has encountered 72,823 “special interest aliens” entering the U.S.  – many from the Middle East. A “special interest alien” is the term used by government officials to refer to an illegal alien from a nation that either promotes terrorist activity, harbors terrorists, or poses a possible security threat to the United States. The totals include:

6,386 from Afghanistan
3,153 from Egypt
659 from Iran
538 from Syria
139 from Yemen
123 from Iraq
164 from Lebanon
1,613 from Pakistan
15,594 from Mauritania
13,624 from Uzbekistan
30,830 from Turkey

Under Erdogan’s leadership, Turkey, a supposed NATO “ally,” has become increasingly militant.  They refuse to condemn the Hamas attacks upon Israel and reportedly provide military support to Hamas.

This does not include the more than 1.7 million known “got-aways” who have successfully evaded Border Patrol agents and entered the country during the Biden administration.  How many of these known “special interest aliens” and “got-aways” entering the U.S. are trying to escape the radicalism of their country? How many are coming with the purpose of doing us harm?  We have no way of knowing because we have no way to vet people from these “special interest” countries.

Bill Melugin of Fox News reports: “I’m told unless [illegal aliens] have committed a crime previously in the U.S., or they are on some sort of federal watchlist, there’s no way to know who they are because most of their home countries don’t share data/records with the U.S., so there is nothing to match a name to when BP [Border Patrol] agents run fingerprints.” 

Wouldn’t you think this risk would be a major concern for those tasked with protecting America and her citizens?  Yet under the Biden administration, the FBI and the Department of Justice are target-fixated on American citizens, who they’ve labeled as “domestic terrorists.”

Last week a bombshell report released by Newsweek revealed that the FBI is targeting Trump supporters as “domestic terrorists” heading into the 2024 election. 

“The federal government believes that the threat of violence and major civil disturbances around the 2024 U.S. presidential election is so great that it has quietly created a new category of extremists that it seeks to track and counter: Donald Trump’s army of MAGA followers,” Newsweek reports.

In October of last year, the FBI quietly added a new terrorism category, labeled “AGAAVE-Other,” which stands for “anti-government or anti-authority violent extremists.” Newsweek reports: “For the first time, such groups could be so labeled because of their politics.”

“The threats listed are all clearly associated with America’s right and in particular with Trump’s MAGA supporters,” the report added.

One unnamed senior intelligence official told Newsweek that he believed “Trump’s army constitutes the greatest threat of violence domestically…politically…that’s the reality and the problem set.” (ellipsis included in the Newsweek quote).

Notice that this FBI official refers to Americans who vote for Donald Trump in militant terms – an “army.”  And says the quiet part out loud – they are a “threat” politically.

The report also reveals: “nearly two-thirds of the FBI’s current investigations are focused on Trump supporters and others suspected of violating what the FBI calls ‘anti-riot’ laws.”

Did you catch that?  Let me repeat that staggering statistic:  Nearly two-thirds of the FBI’s current investigations are focused on Trump supporters.  As unvetted “special interest” illegal aliens enter the U.S.; as thousands of Chinese military-age men have also crossed the southern border; as pro-Hamas leftists in America shout “long live the Intifada,” an explicit call for genocide against Israel and the Jewish people – our FBI spends two-thirds of it’s time looking into Republican voters.

 “Similarly, ‘assessments,’ a shadowy tool used by the FBI to spy on Americans who have political or ideological associations deemed unfavorable by the agency, ‘more than doubled from 2019 to 2021.’”, the Federalist reports.

Joe Biden frequently paints half of America as “extremists” with comments such as: “Donald Trump and MAGA Republicans are a threat to the very soul of this country,” giving the greenlight to his DOJ and FBI to go after them.  The line repeated by these government agencies is that “domestic terrorism” – aka conservative Republicans – are the number one threat to national security.

Here’s just some of what the FBI and DOJ have been up to under Biden: In 2021 and 2022, the Justice Department labeled parents asdomestic terrorists” subject to FBI investigation because they raised concerns at local school board meetings about CRT and transgender ideology. The FBI also has targeted pro-life activists and sought to investigate traditional Catholics as ‘violent white supremacists.’

The FBI has been accused of planting agents or informants at Trump rallies, at the January 6 Capitol protest, and instigated the plot to kidnap Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer.

As PJ Media reports: “The Bureau weaponized Jan. 6, 2021, against MAGA supporters. It is important to know that the majority of protesters on Jan. 6 were peaceful and that many of the individuals sentenced to years in jail did not do anything violent, and, in some cases, didn’t even enter the Capitol. Yet there were no consequences for violent pro-abortion activists who attacked and burned pro-life centers and churches, Antifa and BLM got off largely scot-free for burning and looting cities, and the government and media were strangely silent about violent “transurrections” at multiple state Capitols.”

As the FBI ignores true terrorism and instead targets voters based on their political views, it is they who are engaged in election interference and are putting our nation at risk.  Our federal law enforcement agencies are supposed to be apolitical – not used as a cudgel to intimidate citizens who hold differing political opinions from those in power.  We are on the verge of losing our Republic, teetering on the edge of tyranny.

Pray for justice and righteousness to prevail.  Despite the judgment our nation deserves, may God be gracious and merciful once again.


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