What is ESG and why is it a concern?

By: Bill Johnson

Click here for Bill Johnson’s interview with Brent Jackson, Financial Adviser with offices in Dayton, Ohio and Grand Rapids, MI; licensed in most states.

Shareholders?  Stake holders?  What is ESG and why is it a concern?
Blackrock:  Why should you avoid and/or flee from Blackrock?

I recently sat down (virtually) with Brent Jackson, financial adviser, to discuss the above questions and more.

I encourage you to make some time for this 53-minute interview with Brent.  This verse also does include what you do with your money.  “And whatsoever you do in word and deed do all in the name of the Lord Jesus.”  Colossians 3:17.

Below is a brief outline of what one can expect to learn when watching this important video:
Explanation of what a stock is
     – privileges/ responsibilities of the stockholder
Screening companies
ESG (Environmental Social Governance)
     – a framework for guiding investments
     – excluding or owning companies based on their compliance with worldliness, Anti-Bible,  and liberal
More and more no neutral territory
Switching ESG terminology to sustainability – don’t be fooled
Brent explains how Congress passed a law not allowing fund managers to invest in ESG if not fiscally responsible for the client investor, yet this was overturned and is still taking place.
Shareholders vs. Stake holders
Please watch this and if you do, I would deeply appreciate hearing whether you found it helpful or not.


Click here for Bill Johnson’s interview done with Brent Jackson, Financial Adviser with offices in Dayton, Ohio and Grand Rapids, MI; licensed in most states.


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