“What can one person do?” That question is often answered by pointing to any number of Biblical characters like Elijah, who withstood King Ahab, Queen Jezebel, and the prophets of Baal. Some will consider other historical figures that succeeded against great odds; to read their stories is very moving. However, most people, when thinking of themselves as that “one person,” will answer, “Very little to nothing.”
Yet, contemporarily, there are those “regular folk,” people like you and I, who do stand for what is right. When we do so, it does make a difference. The outcome of a situation may not change as we would hope, but standing changes us and has an effect on those who hear our message. It may only stem the tide of evil for a while, yet it pushes back and encourages others to do likewise.
I would remind you that Paul exhorts us to “stand against the wiles of the devil” and to “withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand;” and all this by God’s grace, strength, and armor (protection). Paul doesn’t guarantee “a win;” he simply calls us to faithfully stand.
These, indeed, are evil days; there are many areas in which one can, and should, stand. Today, I would like to encourage our readers with two examples of common folks who are standing; they are standing for life and should be commended for doing so.
What can one person do?
The first person I would draw your attention to is Sen. Tommy Tuberville (R-AL); he’s under attack for withstanding the Department of Defense’s abortion activism. I’ll let the Daily Signal summarize the situation:
“As the attacks on Sen. Tommy Tuberville escalated this week, the Alabama Republican appeared even more determined to undo a new Defense Department policy allowing U.S. military and their family members to obtain taxpayer-funded abortions. …
“‘I will stay here until hell freezes over. I am not going to be intimidated by a campaign of selective outrage,’ Tuberville said. ‘I gave the Pentagon fair warning. They chose to go forward with this policy … This was the Biden administration’s choice. I’m keeping my word.’”
Perhaps Sen. Joni Ernst (R-IA) sums up this issue best, “The Pentagon should not be mobilized against the unborn. The Department of Defense exists to defend life, not destroy it.”
Sen. Tuberville is taking a lot of heat for standing. If you’re a praying person, I urge you to pray for him. At the end of this article, we will provide you with ways in which you can thank and encourage him for standing. Read his own article on this issue at the Daily Signal here.
What can one person do?
The second person I would commend to you is 14-year-old Abby, who, after visiting the Creation Museum’s Fearfully and Wonderfully Made exhibit, resolved to be more involved in the pro-life movement. Her mother, writing to Ken Ham, stated that Abby would “address a house committee on a horrendous abortion bill that will make MN an abortion destination and legalize partial birth abortion, among other things.”
Below is Abby’s speech before the house committee. To watch it click here.
“Thank you, Madam Chair and members of the committee. Hi. My name is Abby and I’m 14 years old. I was born with three critical congenital heart defects. I was rushed into surgery when I was just five hours old. Doctors told my parents I had only a 40% chance of making it through surgery. This is what I looked like after surgery. Doctors expected my recovery to take one to two months. I was in the cardiac ICU for just 12 days. The doctors told my parents that I would be small, possibly have hearing and vision problems, learning disabilities, and would not be able to play sports. I’m in the 86th percentile for my height and have perfect vision and hearing. I’m a straight-A student. I love sports. I play basketball, AAU basketball, volleyball, off-season volleyball, run the 400 meter (which we all know is the hardest track event). I pole vault, and run the 100 and 200 meter dashes. I think adults often focus on what medical doctors say and believe them to be 100% accurate. These are the things the medical doctors said about me, but here I stand, healthy and thriving. Please don’t forget about the people like me. In 2021, at least 183 babies just like me were aborted in Minnesota. We have the right to live. I’m not a statistic or defined by my heart defect. I am NOT a defect. My life verse is Psalm 139:14, ‘I will praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.’ This verse is super impactful to me because I AM fearfully and wonderfully made, heart defects and all! It’s a great reminder every day that I was created on purpose for a purpose.”
Answers In Genesis’ Ken Ham reported that “Abby’s mother shared that ‘the whole mood of the room shifted as she spoke. Afterwards, [they] got to tour the capitol and she had senators, representatives, and even the head MN Supreme Court justice thank her for speaking.”
After some research, it would appear that this Minnesota house bill was passed, regardless of this young teen’s stand.
Does that mean that she wasted her time or that her efforts were fruitless? Not at all, her story affected those who heard her, I’ve been moved greatly each time I’ve read her speech, and, likely, it affected you as well. Her actions have likely strengthened her abilities and willingness. She stood in this evil day, for such a time as this. You and I must stand, having done all to stand, in God’s power, by His grace, and in His armor.
Do what you can do!
It would seem that fewer and fewer are willing to speak out against evil. One example of this would be in my own Newaygo County, where they had to cancel the local Right to Life oratory contest because no one was interested in participating. My daughter has participated in years past and it helped her to grow positively in several ways. Parents, it’s vital that we get our children and teens involved in standing up for truth; the best way to do that is by example. Are you standing?
Finally, please take some time to thank, encourage, and let Sen. Tuberville know you are praying for him.
Contact information for Sen. Tommy Tuberville:
Phone: (120) 222-44124
Address: B40A Dirksen Senate Office Building; Washington DC 20510
Email: Click here
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