Vanishing Taboos – protect the children

By: Steve Huston

They’re coming after your children.” This very real warning has brought eye-rolls from the Left along with denials and accusations of fearmongering. But let’s face it, it’s real, it’s growing, and the Right has been slow to take strong actions against those who are “coming after your kids.” Maybe the strength and rapidity of such attacks seemed unreal; perhaps we didn’t believe that such evil could possibly be committed on a large scale, especially in America of all places; many likely assumed that government agencies had our best in mind and would offer the protection needed – what else could be done; but, let’s look at some terrifying, facts.

* The Left would now have us use gentler terms like “Minor Attracted Persons” (MAPS) instead of that dirty word pedophilia.

* The Left attacks the bodies of our children through the promotion of abortion, cross-gender drugs, and surgeries that irreparably mutilate their bodies. These things, to name a few are being done without parental consent or knowledge.

* The Left attacks the minds of our children in the name of education, grooming them for both abuse and over-sexualization through sex-education courses that deal with various sexual content years before it’s appropriate, school and public libraries that offer very graphic content meant to sexually stimulate them, and bringing the LGBTQ+ agenda into the classroom and even normalizing it in textbooks.

* America’s entertainment, so-called, pushes sexualization, the LGBTQ+ agenda, and normalization of the same.

* The current administration and its political allies push all the above, attempting to criminalize anyone who stands against this stream of thought which is brainwashing our children and attacking our youths’ very souls.

* Social media platforms lure our children in, strip away their self-esteem, and make them ripe for the picking of any degenerate who will pay them a little attention.

* We, as a nation, are no longer appalled by such things because, as Jesus warned, “because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold.”

* America continues to be a part of the UN. Recognize the heinous results that this headline stands for: New UN report advocates for decriminalizing sex with minors. Read the article here. (If nothing else convinces you that the US should withdraw from the UN, this should.)

Dear Reader, it doesn’t matter what our political elites say; pay attention to what they are doing and to what they are NOT doing! Compare those actions to Scripture, the preamble of our Constitution, common sense and the “Golden Rule.” If we are a Constitutional Republic, meaning, we are self-governing, then we have a responsibility to protect our freedoms, our liberties, insist that our Constitution is upheld, and that our children are protected to the best of our ability. We the People must act prayerfully and decisively for the righteousness on which this nation and our Constitution was founded. We mustn’t allow ourselves to be confused by progressive double-speak or ecclesiastical institutions succumbing to cultural demands to be accepted or left alone.

For some great insights into this pervasive and ever-growing problem of pedophilia, let’s turn to Tucker Carlson and Gary Bauer.

Tucker Carlson’s recent program urged his listeners to cling to their taboos, specifically that of pedophilia.

“One by one, with increasing speed, our old taboos have been struck down; those that remain have lost their moral force…So it probably shouldn’t surprise us that the greatest taboo of all is teetering on the edge of acceptability – child molestation.” After quoting from The Wall Street Journal’s expose on “kiddie porn” taking place on Instagram: Instagram “helps connect and promote a vast network of accounts openly devoted to the commission and purchase of underage sex content,” Tucker went on to say, “The largest circulation newspaper in the United States revealed that one of the world’s most influential companies was promoting pedophilia and nobody in power did anything about it. The justice Department did not announce an investigation, Congress did not schedule hearings, the guy who runs Instagram – Adam Mosseri – still has his job.” (The entirety of this WSJ report can be read here.)

Gary Bauer reports on this as well: “Working with the two teams of specialized Internet researchers from Stanford University and the University of Massachusetts Amherst, the Journal was able to quickly identify more than 400 Instagram accounts that sold child pornography.  They were also able to determine that just a quarter of those accounts had more than 20,000 followers.

“Meta knows it has a huge problem.  A company spokesman admits to ‘taking down 490,000 accounts for violating its child safety policies in January alone.’  [Emphasis added.] …

“Mark Zuckerberg should be in front of a congressional hearing today!  The Justice Department and the FBI should be all over this national scandal.  Instead, they’re busy indicting Trump and hunting down January 6th protesters and pro-life activists.”

Tucker Carlson’s explanation of why Washington can’t take time to bring to justice those who are targeting and attacking our children follows: “So far this month the FBI’s Washington field office has issued eleven press releases. Ten out of eleven have been about January sixth. Keep in mind that January sixth happened more than two and a half years ago. Now you know why the Feds were ignoring kid touchers on Instagram; they’re too busy to respond. They’ve got much more important things to do, like finding ‘white supremacists.’” (American Decency would like to remind our readers that there are still many good agents in the FBI who put their lives on the line to protect children; they are good men and women within its ranks who strive to do the right thing. What Tucker is referring to, and what most of us lament, is the agency as a whole becoming politicized and weaponized, leaving her “glory days” behind her. Please take a moment to pray for God’s protection over these agents who are doing a most dangerous job.)

While our federal government and many of its agencies may be slow to protect the innocence of childhood, let me share with you a few links reporting how some states are taking action to protect their children. (here, here, and here) KEEP IN MIND, though, YOU are your child’s first line of defense. Teach them the truths of God’s Word, pay attention to where they are online and offline, have difficult discussions with them, and, most importantly, share with your children God’s great love for them and let them know that you love them unconditionally.

Tucker closes his report, after discussing white supremacy, right vs wrong, and law, with words that ring true and are a call to personal action. In essence, he warns us not to drift with the cultural left regardless of how strong the current gets: “You know the outlines of right and wrong; you were born knowing them. So don’t let them talk you out of what you can smell. Don’t let them rationalize away your intuitive moral sense. Cling to your taboos like your life depends on them, because it does. Cherish and protect them like family heirlooms; that’s exactly what they are.” (I strongly encourage you to listen to the whole of his 12-minute segment.)

To our readers who claim the name of Christ, I encourage you to recognize that most of our American taboos were founded in Scripture. More important than clinging to your taboos, cling to Scripture – cling to Christ – “like your life depends on them, because it does. Cherish and protect [the Word of God and your relationship with Jesus] like family heirlooms; that’s exactly what they are!”


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