Upcoming Event: Offers Help for Faithful Stewards

By: Chris Johnson

Often, part of ADA’s ministry has been encouraging our fellow Americans and fellow believers not to use their time and resources in ways that are harmful to American security or to the kingdom of God. Whether it’s asking advertisers not to support certain programing or asking Michigan’s legislature not to approve the $750 million incentive package for a Chinese battery manufacturer looking to open a plant in Michigan, we believe it is important that we use God’s blessings as we are to live all of our lives – for His glory.

But, that doesn’t just go for how NOT to use our money. That’s why, on April 29, ADA is hosting an event with Christian Financial Advisor Bret Jackson in Grand Rapids, MI.

How can we be sure that we’re stewarding the blessings the Lord has given us well, not only while it’s in our hands, but in  the hands of those who will hold it when we’re gone?

Brent Jackson is able to offer Biblically-Responsible Investing strategies. This proactive selection process screens out investments in companies that participate in business activities that don’t align with Biblical moral teachings, making sure that your investments never cause a conflict of interest with your beliefs.

We hope you can join us for this enriching opportunity. Below are a few of the subjects Brent will be helping us with:

  1. Spiritual concepts in money management
    2. Lessons from the stewardship parables
    3. How to think about inheritance and estate planning
    4. Charitable strategies for Kingdom Building and tax reduction

Lunch break:  With specially prepared lunch, dessert and drink (complimentary)

Saturday, April 29, 2023
Time:  9 AM – 1 PM

Oakhill Presbyterian Church
1930 Leonard Street NE
Grand Rapids, MI  49505

As Christians, God calls us to be good stewards of what he has entrusted to us.  Don’t miss this opportunity to learn more on how we can apply Biblical concepts to this important aspect of life – our finances.

RSVP for this informative event HERE or by calling us at 231-924-4050.


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