Upcoming Conference: Using God’s Blessings for His Glory

By: Bill Johnson

Some might say, with all of the economic insecurity and kerfuffle it is not an ideal time to be addressing the matters of financial management, financial planning, and stewardship.  Or is it?  Perhaps it is in times like these in which we should especially look at how we can best use the resources God has given us for His Glory.  We look forward to hearing what you think as we get together!

It is to that end that we are hosting a financial conference to do what we have done in other realms: inform, encourage, warn, counsel and to exhort ourselves in areas where we might well need to take action – in areas that can be somewhat complicated and yet is a concern that is always before us.

As most of you are aware, we have hosted leading figures in a variety of fields:

* Bringing back integrity in voting issues (Pat Colbeck)

* National security (Frank Gaffney)

* Homosexuality (Stephen Black, Janet Porter)

* Sharia and the Muslim Brotherhood (Kamal Saleem)

* See Something Say Nothing (Phil Haney)

* and others

On this occasion, we are bringing in Christian Financial Advisor Brent Jackson, head of Harvest Financial based in Dayton, Ohio (with an office in Grand Rapids), to help us look at financial matters, perhaps in ways we never have before.  Please note that state licensure is required in Brent’s capacity as a financial advisor, and he is licensed in the following states: CA, FL, IA, IL, IN, MI, NC, NJ, OH, SC, TX, VA.

Below are a few of the subjects Brent will be helping us with:

  1. Spiritual concepts in money management
  1. Lessons from the stewardship parables
  1. How to think about inheritance and estate planning
  1. Charitable strategies for Kingdom Building and tax reduction

Lunch break:  With specially prepared lunch, dessert and drink (complimentary)


Saturday, April 29, 2023
Time:  9 AM – 1 PM


Oakhill Presbyterian Church
1930 Leonard Street NE
Grand Rapids, MI  49505

As Christians, God calls us to be good stewards of what he has entrusted to us.  Don’t miss this opportunity to learn more on how we can apply Biblical concepts to this important aspect of life – our finances.

To help with planning for food, please register by clicking the link.

A further side note for some of our activist kindred spirits who aren’t necessarily drawn to talking about money management, I anticipate a discussion on current issues regarding banking, ESG, the attack on the dollar and investing biblically and patriotically – that God would be glorified!


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