To Do OR Not To Do – That’s the Question

By: Steve Huston

“But Daniel purposed in his heart that he would not defile himself with the portion of the king’s meat, nor with the wine which he drank:” Daniel 1:8

When I look at the life of Daniel, I am amazed at his determined purpose to stand true and faithful. He had been raised knowing the Holy One of Israel, the One True God. He had real faith and he loved his God. Regardless of whether he was at home with his parents or away from their godly influence; no matter if he was in the palace of the king or in a den of lions; Daniel was at home with God and desired to please Him come what may.

I wonder if you realize the two different ways in which Daniel was tested. Reading the account of his life, one can see that he was commanded to do that which God told him not to do (eat the king’s meat and drink the king’s wine). And later, he was commanded NOT to do that which God told him to do (do not pray or petition anyone but the king). Why did Daniel have “a purpose true, heeding God’s command?” It was because Daniel loved the Lord his God with all his heart, with all his soul, with all his strength, with all his mind; and his neighbor as himself. I wonder, in the face of displeasing “the king” or with the threat of a “lion’s den,” would I heed God’s commands? Would I defile myself or would I trust the Lord to make my paths straight because I love Him?

How about you? We may never be asked to eat the king’s meat or drink his wine; but there are many things today that our culture insists that one does which God commands us not to do. Some examples of this, although not an exhaustive list, would include:

God says that He hates divorce and what God has joined together (in marriage) man should not tear apart; the world says it’s okay to divorce for the kids’ sake or for just about any other reason nowadays, even in the church. God says do not kill; the world offers abortion and euthanasia as solutions to an unwanted pregnancy or one’s painful mental or physical health. God says, “Do not lie, cheat, steal, defraud, or bear false witness;” the world says you can make up your own truth, boys can be girls and girls can be boys. World records and scholarships for women are being given to men claiming to be women, and even many so-called Christian institutions of higher learning are insisting that their professors and students buy the lie, calling others by cross-gender pronouns. God says, “Do not to take My name in vain;” the world started using slang words, which are euphemisms for the name of God, on TV and in public, making it “acceptable.” This continues to be “acceptable” in Christian entertainment and with many ministry speakers as well. As men and women claim the name of Christ but do not live transformed lives, God’s name is also being taken in vain. God says, “Don’t work on the Sabbath;” the world has promoted a 7-day work week and many Christians see no problem with buying or selling on that day which is meant to be set apart as holy.

In like manner, there are things which our culture demands we do NOT do which God bids us to do. Again, not an exhaustive list but here is a short list to get your mind rolling:

God says to come to the Father through Jesus Christ; the world says we can’t pray in the name of Jesus at public school graduations, public school sporting events, or even in our government legislatures. The world tells us not to speak of the exclusivity of Jesus. We are compelled to view all religions in the same manner. Oddly, Christianity is constantly being downplayed while other religions are being elevated and given preference in our country. God says, “Honor your father and mother;” the world has pushed the divorce-your-parents movement. God says, “Love your enemies;” the world says, “Do unto them before they do unto you, look out for number one, show no mercy, don’t forgive – get even, outdo others in hate,” and the list of ways to not love your enemies continues ad infinitum. As Christians, we are called to live before God and men with a clear conscience, yet our government and work places are pushing us to go against our consciences in varied ways, erasing the religious liberties our forefathers fought for and codified to protect. God calls us to live by His various definitions – love, justice, equity, marriage, to name but a few. Men have hijacked such words for their own purposes and demand that we live by their new definitions. Church, beware!

I urge you, “Dare to be a Daniel! Dare to stand alone. Dare to have a purpose firm; dare to make it known!” Love God with all that you are and trust Him to make your paths straight, regardless of what the path of obedience would seem to be. Trust in His grace for strength to be like Daniel, whether doing or NOT doing!

Here are two versions of the song Dare to be a Daniel.

Dare to be a Daniel

Dare to be a Daniel (for the kiddos)


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