We’re still wading through “Pride” month in this once great nation, and if you’re sick of reading those words from me, believe me when I say I’m sick of writing them.
This year, the veneer of victimhood has mostly worn through. In previous years, “Pride” has aimed to be heard as the rallying cry of a misunderstood minority. This year it sounded more like the battle cry of a demonic horde.
From Target partnering with an avowed Satanist to design their “Pride” collection, to the Los Angeles Dodgers appreciation event for blasphemous, anti-Catholic, anti-Christian hate group known for using the Crucifix as a strip pole and having Easter “Sexy Jesus” competitions, the mask is coming off, and the LGBTQIA+ movement is showing its true colors.
Much wiser men than I have pointed out that, like a citizen burning a flag in protest or a king in effigy, when Satan can’t get at God Himself, he vandalizes the image of God: humanity. Or rather, he convinces the image of God to vandalize himself.
The gender identity movement is a Satanic rebellion against God’s authority to establish the roles of His creation.
This was made blatantly clear in Toronto’s Pride Parade, which featured a banner saying, “Satan loves you.” One drag troupe in NYC’s parade meanwhile called themselves the “Eternal Flamers.”
Multiple Pride parades, including New York City’s, were condemned this year for the naked homosexuals and transgenders who marched where they knew there would be children. NYC’s parade, most disturbingly chanted, “We’re here, we’re queer, we’re coming for your children!”
They must have really enjoyed the White House’s support for their movement as it made prominent the LGBT flag between two American flags hanging from the building, then tweeting out a clip of the president saying, “These are our kids. These are our neighbors. Not somebody else’s kids, these are all our kids…”
Elon Musk’s response was exactly right: “You are the government. They are NOT your kids.”
Across America, local public schools are being maneuvered by the federal government into enforcing the agenda of these activists. Allowing “queer” kids to choose which bathroom they will use, who they will shower next to, which gender they will compete against.
The universities that train teachers are receiving federal grants to conscript activist educators who will tell your kids they are their “ally” when they convince them that the fact they like to wear flannel shirts means they’re trans and should try hormone therapy. School administrators are making policies to make sure their students can receive their “treatment” without mean ol’ mom and dad knowing.
When the White House hoists the queer flag in Pride month and says, “these are OUR kids,” understand they’re joining that Pride march. They’re siding with the Satanists.
They’re PROUDLY proclaiming, “we’re here, we’re queer, and we’re coming for your kids.”
For Christians in the Newaygo County area, there’s an opportunity to push back against this demonic ideology this very night, as fellow believers gather to pray against a Pride event at Brooks Park in Newaygo.
Their goal is to “Evangelize and Protect the Youth of Newaygo County from public displays of perversion designed to confuse the truth of God’s perfect design… ‘God made them male and female,’ with an “attitude of prayer and supplication for God’s presence to overwhelm all animosity. Demonstrate the Love of our God toward all Men. Be prepared to share what God has done for all of us and how it is that we live in a fallen world.”
We admire this group’s goals and the spirit in which they’re organizing and encourage you to attend if you are able. They are meeting at Brooks Park at 6:00 tonight in advance of the Pride event and will have “Promise not Pride” and “Heaven Changes Everything” signs.
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