The Covid Vaccine Debate is Here to Stay and These Voices Deserve to Be Heard

By: Bill Johnson

Even though it’s not at the front of everyone’s mind these days, the vaccination issue is not a concern of the past.  The controversy is here and it is not going away, despite the efforts of many powerful institutional forces.

A recent conversation with a dear and very knowledgeable friend made that abundantly clear to me.   This individual, as is the case with many others, seemingly has suffered no side effects or adverse effects from the Covid “Vaccination” or the booster(s). This makes it easy to believe that there is nothing to the voices of those who’s lives have been seriously altered by the shot.

However, there are many aspects of the ongoing debate that people need to be made aware of.

The documentary we will be showing is in pursuit of a balanced discussion as it gives voice to those whom the powerful want to keep quiet. We are pleased to be able to team up with the movie’s sponsor, Newaygo Grassroots, in hosting the event in our auditorium this Thursday, June 29 at 5:30 PM.

The documentary is entitled AnecdotalA compelling title for the documentary, it emanates from a person who was an advocate of the vaccinations, until she personally experienced adverse effects.  Through sharing her experience, she discovered many others who also had experienced very deleterious side effects from the Covid vaccination, some ongoing.  The documentary contains credible accounts from a number of people sharing their individual anecdotal evidence.

Following the documentary, we will host a panel discussion and chance for questions and answers featuring molecular biologist Christina Parks and Medical Doctor Saundra Blanchard on their experience using their expertise to understand the Covid virus and its treatments.

We are hosting this event to bring objectivity to the ongoing discussion as there are many voices institutionally, corporately, governmentally and journalistically who would prefer that these voices not be heard.

We hope you can join us this Thursday, June 29, at 5:30 in our auditorium – 203 East Main, Fremont, Michigan.


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