The Battle of “Sacred Obligation”

By: Steve Huston

The first time I wrote about Sen. Tommy Tuberville (R-AL) I started with the question, “What can one person do?” The second time, I shared a story on how a river can be changed, urging our readers to faithfully stand against the current. Today, I bring you the false god Molech, one which is found in God’s Word related to the phrase “they caused their sons and daughters to pass through the fire.” It is also the alter which our Department of Defense (DoD) is lifting up as necessary for the protection of America. National Security spokesman John Kirby states that it is our “foundational sacred obligation” to provide abortions for our military. But more on that later.

According to Jewish tradition (NOT specifically written in the Bible), the following is a description of babies sacrificed to this false god Molech: Molech “was made of brass; and they heated him from his lower parts; and his hands being stretched out, and made hot, they put the child between his hands, and it was burnt; when it vehemently cried out; but the priests beat a drum, that the father might not hear the voice of his son, and his heart might not be moved.”

Thanks to technology, these barbarous acts take place within the silence of the womb. No one hears the cries that are present, except the Heavenly Father – their and our Creator. As a society, that has for too long been asleep, starts to awaken to these silent cries—when we start to come to our senses—there are the “shout out your abortion” crowd, the loud misnomer of “women’s reproductive health care,” and now, our “foundational sacred obligation” to act as the priest’s drum beating so that many cannot hear the silent cry of the child and go back to their sleep of apathy.

There is a man who will not go back to sleep and is standing against the DoD, fighting for the life of our nation’s children, standing on our Constitution, and is single-handedly blocking hundreds of promotions for high-ranking generals and admirals since February. His name is Sen. Tommy Tuberville and he deserves our thanks. He IS a defender of life! We urge you to sign American Family Association’s (AFA) petition to Thank Senator Tuberville for his heroic pro-life stand against Biden policy here.

The lines have been drawn and the soul of this nation is being weighed in the balances, sadly, by and large, it is found wanting. As the battle for life and “sacred duties” ensues, instead of taking off their gloves, they are throwing down their masks, showing who they really are.

On one side we have Sen. Tommy Tuberville standing staunchly and steadfastly for life. When he became aware of a DoD policy that authorizes taxpayer dollars to fund abortions for military personnel and their dependents and that this recently-instituted DoD policy pays travel and allows paid time off for those seeking an elective abortion, Sen. Tuberville pledged to hold up the confirmation of DoD general and flag officer nominees brought before the Senate until that policy is reversed. This is why the Marine Corps do not have a Senate-confirmed commandant today.

From the beginning he was the recipient of accusations and attacks. The senator’s response? “I will stay here until hell freezes over. I am not going to be intimidated by a campaign of selective outrage. I gave the Pentagon fair warning. They chose to go forward with this policy … This was the Biden administration’s choice. I’m keeping my word.” Since that time, several have joined the senator from Alabama in standing for life including more than 5,000 veterans.

As Sen. Joni Ernst (R-IA) rightly stated, “The Pentagon should not be mobilized against the unborn. The Department of Defense exists to defend life, not destroy it.”

Regardless of the Supreme Court’s rightful decision that abortion is NOT a Constitutional right and even though the DoD is meant to protect all American citizens, the Biden regime has been doubling down on the “sacred obligation” to kill the most defenseless and vulnerable of Americans, those who occupy the womb – especially those of servicewomen and the families of servicemen. I can think of nothing more disgusting than to push the “right” to kill your own offspring in order for the mother to fight in a war to “defend” her country. Might I remind the reader that the DoD is called to battle on behalf of American ideals – inalienable rights – three of which are “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.” The murdered/sacrificed child is denied all three of these most basic of American standards. Yet, National Security spokesman John Kirby tells us this is our “foundational sacred duty” and how one serves in the military with “dignity.”

We’ve reported on the extremely low recruitments levels in each branch of the military due to its embracing of far-left social activism. It’s no surprise that Mr. Kirby blamed these low recruitment levels on the lack of abortion availability in certain states – their reticence for continued service due to abortion unavailability must be record breaking to call for such unconstitutional measures, forcing the taxpayer to fund these murders within our own ranks. Or as the Washington Examiner states, “In other words, the Pentagon must help fund the killing of the most vulnerable Americans to ensure that enough people pledge to defend Americans by joining the military.” That “peek behind the mask” should leave you somberly pensive and extremely grateful that someone like Sen. Tuberville is willing to take the heat and stand for the Constitution, for Americans rights, and for life. It should also leave us on our knees in repentance, prayer for our nation, and pleading for mercy from the ONE true God – Who is holy and just. We have innocent blood on our hands.

Again, we urge you to sign American Family Association’s (AFA) petition to Thank Senator Tuberville for his heroic pro-life stand against Biden policy here.


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