Solid Ground in a Decaying World

By: Bill Johnson

Most people have a Bible, though it is seldom picked up and hardly, if ever, read.   I would have been one of those long ago.  I knew it was a book that stood alone on its merits; the most purchased book ever published, but I was clueless how personal and essential it would become to my life.

My father-in-law (Dave Van Sloten, (1916-2001) knew the scriptures so well.  It was one of the many things that drew me to Jan, my wife now of just short of 53 years (May 22, 1970).  I could see that Jan also read her Bible and has done so over these many years – reading through the Bible yearly.

I certainly was not a reader of the Bible in my growing up years, but I began to join my wife years ago in reading through the Bible annually.   Not as a habit only, but as an important need and blessing in my life for guidance, wisdom, sanctification, instruction, stability, nurturing, discipline, inspiration.

Since those early years of marriage, I can see how the hand of God has been upon us – though at the time in my early years of growing in the Lord, I didn’t see it and didn’t think in those ways, such as resting in God’s will and sovereignty, His faithfulness, the working power of the Holy Spirit, recognizing God’s grace and mercy and so much more.

One of my biggest and most important burdens now, as I continue to lead the American Decency Association, is to point people to Christ.

Millions are being challenged as never before as the pressures and insanities of a godless world are reaping what has been sown:  same-sex marriage, transgenderism, hedonism, materialism, phoniness, dishonesty, greed, materialism, pornographic lifestyles and attitudes, etc., etc.

The Bible.  God’s Holy Word.  Scripture. Solid ground in a decaying world.

This email is just a simple word to say, as Steve Green’s 1984 song reminds us, “People Need the Lord.”  Indeed, PEOPLE NEED THE LORD!    You need the Lord.  I need the Lord. God gave us the Bible to set the captives free from the bondage of sin, to turn us from sin and shame to joy everlasting – through the sacrificial life and death of Jesus.

I hope you have been fortunate enough in your life to have a friend or a loved one that you see or saw as someone you could look up to because they had a walk with Christ.   Allow yourself to look beyond yourself and seek God.   The book of I John is a good place to start and then proceed to James.  Pray that God will open your eyes to see Him for whom He is: the Creator, Redeemer, completer of your life in Him through the shed blood of Jesus Christ on the cross of Calvary.


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