No Farmers No Food

By: Bill Johnson

Recently, my attention was drawn to a new documentary produced by the Epoch Times with the eye-catching title, “No Farmers. No Food. Will You Eat the Bugs?”

Something once-upon-a-time unthinkable is slowly becoming reality: the assault upon the United States’ (and the world’s) food supply, i.e., our local farmers.

Some of us live in farming communities.  We see the busyness of our farming neighbors.  They are hard workers – day in and day out.  They are committed to their work.  How can one not be, not only impressed, but thankful for their systematic, focused commitment to keeping food in all of our pantries.  And, I might add, how can one not be impressed by what are often multigenerational enterprises, with property, knowledge, and passion that is often passed on within families.

I strongly encourage you to watch this Epoch Times special at In the very first few minutes you will see that it is relevant to you, no matter if you live near a farm or far away from agricultural centers in a big metropolitan area. A subscription to EpochTV is required, or new users can get 4 weeks for $4 to watch the movie.

For those of you living within vicinity of American Decency headquarters in rural Fremont, Michigan, I encourage you to come to our free showings of this powerful documentary: “No Farmers.  No Food.  Will You Eat the Bugs?” on Friday, November 3 at 1:00 PM or 6:30 PM.

Many of the old farming families in our area are descended from the Dutch and are proud of their heritage; a special note to you:  Watch those from the Netherland in this documentary as they share their personal story as to how their government’s agenda is not only undermining their work but confiscating their family farms.

To hear this compelling documentary, join us on Friday, November 3, 2023 at one of two showings – 1:00 PM or 6:30 PM at American Decency Association (203 E Main Street, Fremont).

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