HUP, Two, Three, Four

By: Steve Huston

“Hup, two, three, four” is mostly considered a military exclamation used to set a cadence, helping soldiers to march in rhythm. The word “hup” was originally used on the farm to encourage men or animals to work faster and harder, in some places one can still hear farmers using this word to get their horses to move.

Today, I’m using this word, “hup,” as a call to action. Join Newaygo County Right to Life to March for Life. They will be leaving from the American Decency Association building (203 E. Main St. Fremont) at noon, this Saturday (tomorrow – 1/21/23).

HUP! We must work harder, standing for life whenever and wherever possible. There are many who wrongly assume that the abortion battle is over; either they believe with the Supreme Court’s decision that all is well or feel as though, with the passing of Proposal 3 in the last election, that there’s no hope for the unborn. As long as we have life let us proclaim that life comes from God.

HUP! We must spread the word faster that no one should be denied the opportunity to live. Regardless the excuses given, each person has the inalienable right to make what they can of their life, no matter how it may start or into the environment in which it’s born. Say what one may, no one but God knows the future of any person or nation.

HUP! Join Newaygo Right to Life this Saturday at noon and show the Fremont community that you MARCH for LIFE!


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