
By: Steve Huston

Most people have heard of the “world’s largest crowd funding site” known as GoFundMe. Epoch Times reports that this site has more than 100 million users and has collected $25 billion in donations for various causes. Some of the causes that people have promoted there may surprise you; what I’m going to share here should shock you.

Do you remember GoFundMe shutting down a fundraiser that had reached $5 million for Canadian truckers protesting against vaccine mandates in their country? Were you aware that GoFundMe didn’t allow those millions of dollars of raised money to go to its intended recipients?

Truckers standing for freedom and personal autonomy were found to be unacceptable, but do you know who GoFundMe finds palatable when it comes to freedom and personal autonomy?

Children raising money from strangers for a sex change – that’s who! That’s right; minors, many of whose parents are against their children mutilating their bodies permanently for a temporary feeling or time of confusion, are allowed to raise money for sex change surgery.

Many of these fundraisers don’t even list their ages. How young would be acceptable? That’s a good question. The Epoch Times related this account:

The Epoch Times anonymously created a fundraiser, identifying as a 12-year-old girl trying to get phalloplasty surgery to create a male appendage. After the page was successfully established and ready to receive donations, the test fundraising account was immediately closed by The Epoch Times.

I’m sure our readers find this to be as disturbing as I did. Can you imagine your 12-year-old daughter or granddaughter being able to ask strangers for donations to help her finance a mastectomy, phalloplasty surgery, cross-gender drugs, or supplies like chest binders without her parent’s permission or even knowledge?

Let this sink in: In most states, these minors can’t buy alcohol or cigarettes, join the armed forces, or get tattoos, but they can open a GoFundMe donation page to finance their transgender dreams – many of which turn out to be nightmares. What’s wrong with this picture? Why are parents so easily circumvented, particularly when they are the ones left to deal with the consequences and pick up the pieces?

GoFundMe encourages support for these causes with this statement: “Gender-affirming care can help improve the overall physical and mental well-being of nonbinary, transgender, and gender-expansive people. Many have turned to gender-affirming care fundraising to help find support.

It’s important to note that The Epoch Times also reports that there were “active fundraisers on June 7 to help detransitioners pay for procedures to try to reverse their sex-change attempts.”

In Gary Bauer’s end of the day report for 6/27/23, he adds:

In fact, these extreme medical experiments – and that’s exactly what they are, experiments – on children suffering from gender dysphoria are more likely to cause depression and negative outcomes.

We already know that “transgender” youth are confronting multiple mental health issues.  In what other psychological situation would you “affirm” someone’s delusions?  Why on earth would you compound that with lifelong, severe physical complications?

No doctor would ever agree to perform gastric bypass surgery on a young girl who weighs 90 pounds but insists she’s fat.

As Gary Bauer also warned, “This isn’t just a transgender issue.  It’s bigger than that. It’s another example of how the left exploits, abuses and manipulates science and demands that reality must bend in order to advance its radical agenda.

He’s right; it’s a radical agenda and the Left believes our children are expendable! It’s important that we keep in mind that our children are being used as pawns in the Left’s battle for our nation, for the decoupling of our foundational and Biblical morals, the shredding of our Constitution, and the move toward socialism. It’s another and further step in denying parental rights, refusing personal responsibility, and creating a crisis in which the government will hope to step in with former President Reagan’s famous “most terrifying words” line, “I’m from the government and I’m here to help.”

“Jesus is the answer” is more than a trite and overused saying. In reality, it’s the truth! These children and young adults need the transforming truth of Jesus Christ, not transformed bodies. They need the unconditional love of the Saviour working out His will in their lives, not the Left’s “love of acceptance” pushing a “woke” agenda and the promotion to chase after their own adolescent will, which is very malleable and transitory. They need to look beyond and live beyond themselves, not focus on a (mis)perception of temporal needs and feelings.

The question which must drive home deep into each of us who are believers is the same as Paul asked in Romans 10:14-15. “How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher? And how shall they preach, except they be sent? as it is written, How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things!

To love our neighbor as ourself, which is the second great commandment, we must proclaim truth which brings temporal and permanent transformation and, most importantly, eternal healing, safety, and salvation.


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