GET INVOLVED; Stand against the current

By: Steve Huston

I enjoy nature, particularly the life lessons that can be learned from what God has created and the way those lessons can be applied to our lives. For instance, I’m encouraged when I’m hiking along a stream or river and notice how one lone branch may be sticking out from the bank into the water. It SEEMS to make little difference as the river’s current rushes past it. Occasionally a piece of grass, another stick, or some debris joins that lone stick in “fighting against the current.” Little by little, other items get caught up in the stand against the current until, eventually, I’ve seen the course of the river change. After a heavy rain, I’ve also seen the other sticks, grass, and debris break loose and get swept along with the current, but there had been a change to that river, even if only for a little while.

What’s that mean for us? If we continue to stand righteously, as we ought, we will make a difference, even if only in one or a few lives. God can use us to slow down the raging culture, and on occasion, by the grace of God, change the “course of the river.” When the rains of sin or adversity fall heavily, it may break through what we have temporally accomplished for righteousness, but we will have obediently made a difference for such a time as this and spiritually strengthened ourselves and others by God’s grace. So, stand having done all to stand in this evil day; there are many places along the banks of this culture from which we can stand affecting change in others, particularly if we stand lovingly and winsomely.

Sen. Tommy Tuberville (R-AL) is one example of a lone stick standing against the current; he has gathered support in his steadfastness for life. Almost two months ago we asked you to write this senator from Alabama, encouraging him to stand firm on his stance regarding abortion and the military. If you have, thank you; if not, please do. (Contact information at bottom of the previous article linked above).

Today, I write encouraging our readers to sign Family Research Council’s (FRC) petition regarding this same issue. (More on this at the bottom of this alert.)

No longer “standing alone,” Sen. Tuberville has “more than 3,000 veterans and active-duty members of the U.S. armed forces [who] are expressing their support for Tuberville and calling on the Pentagon to rescind its abortion policy. Four members of Congress joined state lawmakers, national leaders, and thousands of everyday Americans who have served their country in the military.” (The Daily Signal)

It’s no surprise that retired three-star Gen. Jerry Boykin would stand with Sen. Tuberville, denying that the Senator from Alabama was endangering the U.S. military. Boykin told FRC President Tony Perkins, as reported by The Daily Signal, “In the military, you don’t replace somebody until you have a replacement for them, which means the person holding that slot stays there until he has a replacement. This whole thing is more propaganda than anything else.

If there’s still a question in your mind regarding Sen. Tuberville’s stance and its effect on the military, “three Heritage Foundation vice presidents—including retired Lt. Col. James Jay Carafano, vice president of Heritage’s Davis Institute for National Security and Foreign Policy—pointed to greater threats to military readiness than the failure to promote flag officers.

“America’s military readiness is of vital importance and one The Heritage Foundation takes seriously. Each year, we publish an Index of U.S. Military Strength to gauge the U.S. military’s ability to perform its missions. This year, for the first time, we assess the military as weak and at growing risk of not being able to meet the demands of defending America’s vital national interests. While the reasons for this are many, your holds are not among them.” (The Daily Signal)

Dear Reader, I urge you to sign FRC’s petition to “Encourage Leader McConnell to Support Senator Tuberville’s Pro-Life Stand!” here. Join the 23,001 other people (at the time of this writing) who are standing with Sen. Tuberville and standing for life.

The petition reads:

Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell:

We, the undersigned, ask you to support Senator Tuberville in his position of holding the Biden Pentagon accountable from their unauthorized expansion of taxpayer facilitated abortion.

Our military should not be in the abortion business! The DOD’s attempt is not only unlawful, but it also politicizes the military, and undermines Congressional authority. The focus of our military needs to be on keeping our nation safe, not on furthering a leftwing pro-abortion agenda.

You have been an ally of the pro-life movement for years, and we are grateful for your leadership in defense of life. Please support Senator Tuberville’s principled stand of holding the Biden Pentagon accountable by requiring civilian, general, and flag officers to be confirmed through the rigorous process of regular order until the Department of Defense (DOD) reverses its unlawful policy of radical abortion expansion.

Please stand for life by signing the petition at FRC and please write an encouraging note to Sen. Tuberville for standing firm for life.


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