First Amendment Fight

By: Kimberly Cargill

Dr. Larry Arnn, professor of politics and history as well as president of Hillsdale College, wrote, “The first amendment is the most important in the American Constitution because it protects the things that make us what we are, including talking, and writing, and worshiping.

Our Constitution’s Bill of Rights’ First Amendment was approved by Congress in 1789 and ratified almost two years later. In recent years, this vital cornerstone, meant to protect liberty and self-governance, has been under attack as never before, often tied to religious liberty but not restricted to it. The faction of the Left, manifested strongly in the Democrat Party but not limited to it, has been attempting to steal our Constitutionally protected God-given rights/freedoms, making them their own. This is but one of the ways in which they’ve attempted to unchain themselves from the concept of limited government, while at the same time, putting a stranglehold on the self-governance of We the People.

It’s a natural desire to respond in kind; let us beware of reciprocal hostile and uncharitable feelings and actions. The petri dish in which our government was created was meant to give rise to various ideas and critical thought, meant to enhance freedom, spur one another on to intellectual growth, and, through that process, form a stronger bond of brotherhood and unity as a nation. Though this “Great Experiment” – a republican form of government – didn’t always produce agreement, what sprung forth was respect, strength, and prosperity.

So, before we wish those who are attacking us would just disappear, let us rather do what we can to make them “stick to the rules.” James Madison, the principal framer of the Constitution, in Federalist number 10, gave this timeless warning: “Liberty is to faction what air is to fire, an aliment without which it instantly expires. But it could not be less folly to abolish liberty, which is essential to political life, because it nourishes faction, than it would be to wish the annihilation of air, which is essential to animal life, because it imparts to fire its destructive agency.” I would encourage you to read Federalist 10 in its entirety as well as Liberty Belle’s instruction on today’s topic regarding the First Amendment and free speech (here and here). She also has good instruction on Federalist 10 here, for any who are interested.

Before reviewing a few of the ways in which our First Amendment rights are being stripped from our grasp, let me remind you of their importance. As Dr. Arnn wrote, “…it protects the things that make us what we are, including talking, and writing, and worshiping.” 

1. Gary Bauer reports, “According to a new survey by the Pew Research Center, 55% of Americans say they support efforts by the U.S. government and Big Tech companies to stop the spread of false information.“This is a huge change from just five years ago when only 39% of Americans held that view and 58% said it was more important to protect free speech and the freedom of information.

“To get a number as large as 55%, some Christians and conservatives must have agreed with the idea that the government should stop / censor ‘false information.’  But here’s what a lot of well-meaning people are failing to understand:  Who determines what is false information?” (emphasis mine)

Think of the many ways in which our government and its various arms have recently lied to us – here are only a few: Trump colluded with Russia. Hunter Biden’s laptop story was disinformation.  Don’t forget all the Covid misinformation fed to us by our government. Here are just a few: only two weeks – ivermectin bad/vaccine good – the necessity of suspending American’s Constitutional rights and the government’s Constitutional limitations for such a time as this.

We cannot afford to blindly trust a government that lies to its citizens to push or promote whatever agenda is next on their list. We cannot afford to blindly trust a Congress (yes, our voice in this republican form of government) that ignores the Constitution and falls into lock-step with their “new masters,” rather than listening to the whole of their constituents. We dare not let a “Biden Disinformation Board, packed with left-wing hacks, tell us what is true or false”.

Here are some other examples of lies they’re trying hard to force on us and our children. Beyond the fact that they are insane lies, some are being perpetrated on us through “legal” means. It’s been said that “everything that took place in Nazi Germany was legal.”  Regardless the “legality,” it was highly unethical and extremely immoral.

* “Men cannot get pregnant.”  That is the truth.  But if you call a man who claims to be a woman “Mr.” or “he,” Michigan Democrats want to charge you with a crime. We’ve been warning our readers of this legislative coup both through email alerts (here and here) and in our latest newsletter (p. 4). Make no mistake, this is a religious gag order and a direct attack on both the freedom of speech and the freedom of religion, both part of our First Amendment rights.

* “The unborn child is a human being.” Joe Biden says no one knows when life begins; science tells us life begins at conception. Even though the Supreme Court has overturned Roe v Wade, many states have taken the fight against the unborn child’s life to a whole new and nefarious level. These American citizens are denied the right to any of the First Amendment protections, including that of free speech. As former President Reagan stated, “I’ve noticed that everyone who is for abortion has already been born.”

* “While many scientists agree that the climate is changing, some argue that the science is far from settled and say there’s no definitive proof that global warming is caused by man.  Many leftists in the government and the media call that ‘climate denial,’ and insist it is false information. (from Gary Bauer)” I wonder, how long before “climate denial” proponents are de-platformed or silenced in other ways. How long before Christians who believe in and proclaim the promise of Genesis 8:22 or God’s statement that he “renewest the face of the earth” (Ps. 104:30) are silenced by various means?

Yes, the First Amendment, and the free speech it guarantees, “protects the things that make us what we are,” makes us stronger when we discuss things respectfully, and has the potential to lead to prosperity. Its suspension or removal is a deathblow to America and to her citizens. As Gary Bauer reminds us, “Every tyrant and every communist government throughout history always tries to shut down free speech in the name of fighting ‘disinformation.’”

Yet, Christian, hear me well. The First Amendment only protects free speech and religious liberty. Should that protection be removed in our lifetime, we still have the God-given responsibility to share the gospel and speak the truth of God’s Word. It must be done in love and with grace, all the while forgiving those who mistreat us and attempt to silence us. If/when we live under a government which resembles that which the first apostles lived, let our response echo theirs – We ought to obey God rather than men.”



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