Exposing the Works of Darkness

By: Lisa Van Houten

The figures are staggering.  Human trafficking rakes in 150 billion dollars globally – more than the profits of the NFL, Nike, Google, and Starbucks combined.  As you read this, an estimated 28 million individuals are being trafficked at any one time.  While a bag of cocaine can be sold and used only once, a victim of sex slavery, many of them children, can be sold over and over again – night after night, year after year.  The U.S. is reportedly the top consumer of child sex trafficking in the world.  It’s horrifying to contemplate – we don’t want to hear about it – yet ignorance is not bliss.  Evil thrives in darkness and the only way to combat it is to shine light upon it.

That’s what the powerful movie, “Sound of Freedom,” is seeking to do.  The film tells the story of Tim Ballard, a former federal agent who made it his mission to rescue children from the evil of sex trafficking. As Ballard, played by Jim Caviezel, states in the film: “Every day, ordinary people don’t want to hear it. It’s too ugly for polite conversation.”  Yet, in spite of the heavy topic, “Sound of Freedom” has exploded at the box office drawing millions of viewers, opening hearts and minds to the horror of child sex trafficking.

However, leftist media outlets have trashed the film, making false claims that it has ties to right-wing conspiracy groups.  Since when is being anti-pedophile controversial?    Yet radical Leftist ideology increasingly downplays pedophilia.  One of the news sites trying to undercut the message of “Sound of Freedom” is Bloomberg which published a piece by Noah Berlatsky who labeled the movie a “QAnon dog whistle” for conservatives.  Berlatsky, a former NBC contributor, served as a spokesperson for the pro-pedophile organization Prostasia which strives to legitimize pedophilia and advocates for changing the terminology from “pedophile” to “minor-attracted persons.”  So Bloomberg, and the Washington Post which re-printed the article, chose someone who is seeking to de-stigmatize pedophilia to critique a movie about combatting child sex trafficking.

Time and again we’ve seen the radical Left promote the exploitation and sexualization of children.  When parents and conservatives try to protect kids from pornographic books in schools or perverse drag queen shows, it’s the Left that fights tooth-and-nail to continue grooming and corrupting children.  It shouldn’t be a surprise that those who fight vehemently for the “right” to kill children in the womb don’t value and protect them once they’re born.

From abortion to illegal immigration, children are often the victims of radical leftist ideology. The absence of border security has led to skyrocketing human trafficking. Our open border has given cartels free rein. Women and children are highly vulnerable to being smuggled and trafficked. A study from the Coalition Against Trafficking In Women estimated that 60% of unaccompanied alien children are caught by cartels and exploited through child pornography and drug trafficking.  It is estimated that upwards of 72% of all human trafficking victims in the U.S. are immigrants, most of them here illegally. Several months ago, news broke that the Biden administration has lost track of 85,000 unaccompanied minor children who are feared to have fallen victim to traffickers of sex, drugs, or cheap labor.  To curtail cartels from the trafficking of children, the Trump administration allowed Immigration and Customs Enforcement to run DNA tests on immigrants claiming to be traveling in “familial units.” Yet even though the program found thousands of children who were unrelated to their smugglers and would have been used for who knows what nefarious purpose, the Biden administration ended the program.

Why is the U.S. such a magnet for child sex trafficking?  There is a direct connection between trafficking and pornography.  America is the number one consumer of child pornography in the world.  Statistics show that 76% of individuals who were arrested for internet child pornography had molested a child.  We are a porn-infested culture and, as we have warned for years, users of pornography typically escalate to more heinous and degrading forms.  “As long as America’s men are being trained to think that violent, disturbing pornography is sexually acceptable, an enormous clientele for sex traffickers is being created every day in homes, college dorms, and apartments across the nation,” writes journalist John-Henry Westen.

In our culture, sex has become unmoored from morality.  The sexual revolution legitimized the rejection of God’s design for sexuality and the downward spiral has continued to the point where we may see pedophilia added to the growing list of protected perversions which the LGBTQIA+ ideology has ushered in.  Our modern-day sex education was built upon the fraudulent “research” of Alfred Kinsey, who claimed children were “sexual from birth,” basing his “data” on the records kept by a homosexual pedophile who raped children.  To this day, Indiana University hosts the Kinsey Institute and built a monument to honor the pervert.

Combatting pornography is one step that can be taken to curtail sex trafficking.  In an effort to keep minors from being exposed to pornography, several states – including Louisiana, Utah, Virginia, and Mississippi – have passed laws requiring residents to submit proof of their age before accessing a porn site.  If pornography websites don’t comply, they could be fined up to $5,000 a day.  This has led the giant purveyor of pornography, PornHub, to block access to their website in these states.  Encourage your state representatives to enact such protections in your state.

We can and should fight pornography, oppose the sexualization of children through LGBT ideology, encourage our representatives to enact laws to combat trafficking, and support organizations which aid the victims.  Yet, we cannot change wicked hearts.  As it says in John 3:19, “people loved the darkness rather than the light because their works were evil.” However, the most important thing we can and must do is to point people to Jesus who sheds light into darkness, breaks the bonds of Satan, and sets the captive free.


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