An appeal to sensibility

By: Steve Huston

America, come to your senses before it’s too late!

We’ve been witnessing our government push a topsy-turvy agenda upon a more than willing culture. Willing because it’s been groomed over several generations to accept a drawing away from the Biblical morality we were founded with to that one which softens, erodes, and finally destroys.

Satan has attacked the family, God’s building block for society, from the beginning of time. A foremost Communist goal has been, “Abolition of the family!” and, during a recent interview, Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO) explained that “The left has waged a continuous war on the nuclear family.”

Why? Why does the Left push this Marxist hatred for the family? Sen. Hawley states, “Power. It’s also indoctrination — ideological indoctrination. If you get the parents sidelined, then they can fill the kids’ heads with the nonsense they want. They can…break down those centers of resistance. They don’t like the nuclear family. The left has waged a continuous war on the nuclear family; whether it’s jobs for American men to provide for their families, whether it’s the parent’s right over education, whether it’s faith, they have continuously assaulted the family.”

These attacks are also directly aimed at our children; governmental legislation has pushed for the empowerment and over-sexualization of our children and teens. Instead of encouraging God’s mandate of Deuteronomy 6, which calls parents to train their children by God’s laws in all their daily activities, this agenda-driven government acts as the “strange woman” of Proverbs, as a siren calling sailors away from safety, into the deep and dangerous waters of sin.

Praise God that He moves some parents and communities to fight against planned “Pride” parades and “drag” shows. I’m grateful that Kirk Cameron and Brave Books are inviting parents to take back their libraries, demanding equal opportunity to present Biblical values and morality through events like See You At The Library. As Agenda Weekly reports, “Former State Senator Val Stevens stated, ‘Families deserve to be protected from the exploitation of children, and children deserve a wholesome opportunity to be safe from seduction by deviants.’” Nonetheless, Leftists keep pursuing ideologies that undermine the family, specifically attacking our children.

When free Americans stand against these ideologies, many of them are attacked, threatened, and accused of child abuse. Some have suffered the wrong of having their children given to a divorced spouse for not complying with the child’s wishes regarding bodily mutilation through chemical or physical sex-change therapy. Such compliance and support ends up being nothing more than barbaric mutilation and an attempt to normalize and give credence to unreality, fantasy, and insanity. Only a loving parent will speak truth into such disturbing falsehood. Would we compassionately speak truth into areas like bulimia/anorexia, drugs, suicidal ideation, and the like, or, to be “loving” by today’s standards, would we encourage them in their search for “beauty,” “escape,” and “peace”?

Oddly, enemy and “third-world” nations are taking the lead in rationality and sensibility where these issues are concerned.

Meanwhile, Russian leader Vladimir Putin signed a bill ending sex change surgeries and banning transgenders from adopting or fostering children.

One Life Site News article, entitled Namibia passes ban on same-sex ‘marriage’ as more African countries push back on LGBT agenda, reports that the Namibian parliament passed a bill banning homosexual “marriages” between its citizens and foreigners, and also bans “the promotion, solemnization, participation in, and advertising of such unions.” It defines “marriage as a union between persons of the opposite sex and spouses as persons constituting half of a legal union between people born genetically male and female.” The article also quotes Elder Filipe of the ruling party: “The family union is between man and woman and that must be respected,” stressing that the act of sodomy is immoral.

Uganda’s parliament “put in place provisions strictly limiting homosexual behavior and identification, calling for the death penalty in certain cases of rape and child molestation, to the chagrin of Western leaders.” When the US threatened to withhold financial aid due to this country, Ugandan students chanted, “We don’t want your pro-gay money. We want and love our country more than money.” (Oh that American students would love our own country this much!)

Uganda’s president rightly responded to the US’s threat, “Nobody will move us.” “[Homosexuality is] not genetic, it’s not hormonal, it’s a psychological disorientation.”

Both Ghana and Kenya are currently considering similar laws in their respective parliaments. Ghana’s Reverend John Ntim Fordjour stated, “We are [not] going to tolerate any media house that provides a platform for advocacy, propaganda, and promotion of LGBTQ+ and its related activities. Such actions are abhorred and frowned upon.

Whatever issues these countries may have, they are leading the way on this morality front, taking steps to protect the family.

Culture wars have a direct impact on both the well-being of a nation (according to the Bible) as well as kinetic wars. American radio Host Wayne Allyn Root stated it succinctly, “Good luck to the US in war with…countries like Russia and China. We fly ‘Pride flags’ and welcome transgenders into our military…while our enemies laugh at our dysfunction, mental illness, and feminization of our military.

Lord, open our eyes. Grant us the mercy and grace which leads to repentance. I humbly cry out to You, most high God, allow America to come to her senses before it’s too late!


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