Act NOW or REGRET later

By: Steve Huston

At the end of this email is a special message to all those who are concerned about our Second Amendment rights, particularly those in West Michigan.

The American Family Association (AFA) has sent out an action alert email warning about the Biden regime’s attempt to take the internet out from under the private sector’s control and move it, for all practical purposes, into the hands of our censoring, propagandizing, and ever-expanding government. (This description is mine; please do not blame AFA for it.)

It’s important for us as citizens of a republic to make our voices heard. We speak up in order to: guard our individual privacy, do what we can to keep censorship (directly and indirectly) at bay, and have a say in pricing through use of the free capital market. If you are a Christian, all the more important. How we use the internet, currently, can be used for the furtherance of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

We urge you to contact the five FCC commissioners and your elected officials in Washington. It can be easily done through AFA’s email campaign here! It’s imperative that we let our voices be heard!

What AFA has said is the following (in italics). I would strongly encourage you to follow their links, especially listening to the Abraham Hamilton III’s episode on this topic, as he gives examples of this administration’s unconstitutional overreach in other areas – such as COVID and rental properties, and COVID OSHA/vaccination policies– leading up to this further unconstitutional attempt at overreach concerning the internet.


The Biden administration has asked the FCC to take complete control of the way internet service providers do business in America. Currently governed by the private sector, the FCC would take control and establish rules and regulations to strangle the free market by deep government policies and regulations.

This would include dictating broadband prices to consumers, tower and satellite locations, and expansion of services by your local internet provider. It would tightly regulate providers to the point that they would basically become an extension of the government itself.

Next week on November 15th, the five FCC commissioners will vote to put President Biden’s plan in place.

This policy is so bad that one FCC commissioner is speaking out publicly against it. Commissioner Brendan Carr is calling the Biden administration’s “digital equity” plan for all internet services and infrastructure an “unlawful power grab.” You can read Commissioner Carr’s warning here.

In particular, Carr says, “For the first time ever, those rules would give the federal government a roving mandate to micromanage nearly every aspect of how the internet functions—from how [internet service providers] allocate capital and where they build, to the services that consumers can purchase; from the profits that ISPs can realize and how they market and advertise services, to the discounts and promotions that consumers can receive.”

The text of Biden’s order expressly provides that the FCC would be empowered, for the first time, to regulate the following for every ISP:

* “network infrastructure deployment, network reliability, network upgrades, network maintenance, customer-premises equipment, and installation”

* “speeds, capacities, latency, data caps, throttling, pricing, promotional rates, imposition of late fees, opportunity for equipment rental, installation time, contract renewal terms, service termination terms, and use of customer credit and account history”

* “mandatory arbitration clauses, pricing, deposits, discounts, customer service, language options, credit checks, marketing or advertising, contract renewal, upgrades, account termination, transfers to another covered entity, and service suspension”

For an in-depth report of exactly how frightening this prospect is, listen to this podcast by Abraham Hamilton III. Abraham is general counsel for AFA and radio host of the Hamilton Corner on American Family Radio.

A successful Biden administration takeover of the internet will result in poorer service, higher prices, and less privacy for every citizen in the country.


Most importantly, send an email to the five FCC commissioners, urging them to reject Biden’s proposed takeover of the internet when they vote on November 15.

Secondly, contact your elected officials in Washington and ask them to speak with the FCC commissioners on your behalf.

I am grateful that AFA has made this above information available to us and that they have made it easy to follow their take action steps on one webpage, with one simple click here. Please ACT NOW!

I close by quoting Abraham Hamilton III, as he most importantly states: “It is high time for the people of God to get on our faces and then get on our feet. What I mean by that is we must cry out to God like never before. We must obey Him.

NOTICE: Attention All Patriots in West Michigan! (The following is from Steve Redmond)

Your 2nd Amendment Rights are under a severe attack in Michigan and the entire United States.

There is an increasing need for all citizens in West Michigan to increase their awareness of and actions for increased self-defense. There are millions of illegal, unvetted aliens flooding into America. These aliens include some MS13 Gang Members, Human traffickers, drug gangs, terrorists and criminals.

Until the police arrive in an emergency you are on your own. The wait for help is getting longer due to understaffed police forces and the difficulty getting new recruits. As the Boy Scouts taught us you must always be prepared to defend your faith, family and freedoms from others who do not share your values.

Please come to this meeting or watch it live-streamed to increase your awareness and be better prepared to protect yourself and your families.

We have 5 excellent speakers to look at all aspects of this issue, update you on current and pending legislation, and provide you an option to protect yourself from legal action if you are a gun owner or have a concealed carry permit.

Pleas plan to attend if possible. We also will be live streaming the event at on the night of the meeting and will have the individual talks on our website within 36 hrs after the meeting.

The 2nd Amendment is the key right that protects all our other rights. Please become informed and take action.

This public meeting, hosted by The Ottawa County Patriots, will be held from 6:00-9:00 p.m. at the Lighthouse Baptist Church (501 East 24th St. Holland, MI 49423) tomorrow, Tuesday, November 14, 2023. The doors will be open at 5:30 p.m. The meeting is free and open to the public. The meeting will be livestreamed at: and videos will be posted at within 48 hrs. after the meeting.

For more information contact Steve Redmond by cell 616-204-4427, e-mail:, or visit

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