Humpty Dumpty, as Lewis Carroll brings him to life, was a progressive Leftist and would be a perfect match as “spokes egg” for the Human Rights Campaign (HRC), an LGBTQ+ activist organization. If you wonder at my meaning, let me remind you of a few things before quoting the infamous Mr. Dumpty.
* Arguably, the greatest theft of symbolism was when the LGBT camp stole the rainbow, a symbol of God’s great promise of grace, only to tie it to PRIDE, that which God hates and from which all other sin stems.
* June once stood for Father’s Day and Flag Day, now it claims the distinction of being “PRIDE month,” an indirect, if not a direct, attack upon the family and our nation.
* A host of words have been hijacked by the progressives for redefinition, most recently the phrase “state of emergency” by the HRC. This LGBTQ+ organization for years has appointed itself judge of whether a business was worthy of your spending dollars solely defined on how that business deals with the LGBTQ+ community, through their specially crafted scoring system. (Oddly, everyone seems to desire a high score from a group that raises anti-family, anti-Biblical, and anti-national standards.)
* The Human Rights Campaign said its emergency declaration is due to more than 75 anti-LGBTQ bills that have become law in various states this year, more than doubling last year’s number which had been the worst on record.
Now, I think you’ll clearly understand my meaning regarding Humpty as a perfect “spokes egg,” as he poaches words: “‘When I use a word,’ Humpty Dumpty said in rather a scornful tone, ‘it means just what I choose it to mean — neither more nor less…. which is to be master — that’s all.’” (Through the Looking Glass)
The progressive Left, and, here specifically, the HRC are happy to hijack (poach) words freely, definitively, and surreptitiously, in an attempt to be master of the culture and the direction it is heading – that’s all. We conservatives, generally speaking, allow them to get away with it and are rightfully accused, as described in Kenneth Collins review of Michael Knowles’ book Speechless: Controlling Words, Controlling Minds. Conservatives “do not fully appreciate the challenging verbal context in which they operate. As a consequence, they are often feckless in their basic approach to some of the leading issues of the day and woefully inept in their arguments.”
One Christian thinker who is anything but “woefully inept” in discussing the truth behind such things as culture, theology, and the news at large is Al Mohler, particularly as he parses things out on his program The Briefing. In dealing with the current HRC “state of emergency,” he explains why there has been a large uptick in states legislatively attempting to protect their children from the staggering success of “Humpty’s” mastery, which is why the HRC has labelled these days as a “state of emergency”.
From The Briefing (6/13/23):
“But here’s the logical point, the sequential point we need to understand. The only reason why you have this raft of laws being considered by so many states and governments is because the LGBTQ revolution has been so successful at pushing so hard, so fast with such success that governments are actually behind in trying to come up with any way of, say, responding to this in terms of legislation. The moral vortex right now is pulling the entire culture within this LGBTQ revolution to such an extent that if you pause for a moment and say, ‘Wait just a moment, maybe it’s not a good idea to use hormones to interfere with an adolescent’s pubertal development,’ you are simply a part of the problem and you’re a part of why this is an emergency.” (added emphasis)
But let’s look at the real “state of emergency.”
When conservative teachers, preachers, shop-owners, doctors, or anyone who disagrees with the progressive Left’s agenda, which seeks to normalize a small percentage of people overtaken by thought processes which were considered mental illness not so long ago, feel compelled to bow down to the god of this culture instead of bowing to the One True Creator God, we have a real “state of emergency.”
When churches buy into the progressive Left’s definition of love, which equals the acceptance and advocacy of a sinful lifestyle, instead of the Apostle Paul’s definition of love – I Cor. 13:6, “[Love] rejoiceth not in iniquity, but rejoiceth in the truth,” we have a real “state of emergency.”
History dictates that this path we are on is a real “state of emergency” and those nations who continue to travel its road will find itself deposited into the dustbin of history with all those nations who went before. LGBTQ+-ism and Communism are roads of demoralization and destruction; no one escapes. Like the nursery rhyme, when Humpty Dumpty falls, all the king’s horses and all the king’s men won’t be able to put Humpty back together again. We MUST, by God’s grace, leave this path we have travelled so very far down if we hope to be a free and surviving nation.
When we allow the three branches of our government, our military, and the various arms of our Justice Department (recognizing that there are still those within these areas who have not succumbed to such thought but are unable to make a noticeable difference) to adopt and push this LGBTQ+ agenda to the devaluing of our Constitution, the deconstruction of our nation, and the detriment of America’s safety, we have a real “state of emergency.”
When the church stops being the Church (Christ’s body), stops being salt and light to a decaying and dark world, starts fearing man rather than fearing God, and compromises rather than standing fast, we have a real “state of emergency.” In the face of our own “fiery furnace” today, whatever that may look like, might each of us find the strength promised by Jesus, to say with the three Hebrew young men, “We are not careful to answer thee in this matter. If it be so, our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace, and he will deliver us out of thine hand, O king. But if not, be it known unto thee, O king, that we will not serve thy gods, nor worship the golden image which thou hast set up.”
Reader, by God’s grace we mustn’t bow down, giving worship to the devil through his twisting of the Scripture, twisting of gender and sexuality, and twisting of right and wrong. Hold tight to your shield of faith, for it is that which we shall use to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked.
The real “state of emergency” is the spiritual state of this nation and the spiritual state of the church. What’s to be done? May the Holy Spirit bring us to repentance wherever we have strayed in the slightest. May He awaken us from apathy and slumber. It’s time to take back God’s symbols and speech. Words must mean what God says they mean regarding every topic: Marriage, gender, sexuality, education, Church, etc. People who claim the name of Christ must become real soldiers of the cross – our weapons are love, truth, and grace. Our hope is in God and we call upon Him, although we ought to use our national rights, as Paul did, to call our nation to follow its own Constitution – the law of the land. We must, by the Spirit’s leading and power, stand-having done all to stand in this evil day, preaching the word, being instant in season and out of season, doing the work of an evangelist; this is our responsibility. May God give great increase as we are faithful to our duty. In this way, even if our nation must perish, souls may still be saved. May God show mercy and grace in this REAL “State of Emergency.”
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