3 Stories in 3 Minutes

By: Steve Huston

Three Decency Minutes for you to read and listen to and share! Three pieces of news that can whet your appetite to research, discuss, and pray about. These three short scripts crafted by our staff and read by Bill Johnson, founder and president of American Decency Association, are not produced in fear or for fear-mongering. Rather, we point to the true circumstances that surround us and point to the Truth, Jesus Christ, Who allows such happenings for our growth, the furtherance of the Gospel, and to the working out of all things in His perfect timing, ALL to the glory of God!

Click on the titles for the audio version of these Decency Minutes. Feel free to share these written scripts or these audio links on your social media accounts. Thanks for helping us spread the word.


“Pride” Instilling Examples

In public schools around the country, June means students will be inundated with rainbows and sexual expression. In one such pride month celebration in Burlington, Massachusetts, fed up students boldly pushed back.

At Marshall Simonds Middle School, some students ditched the rainbow flag for the American flag, dressing in red, white, and blue, and exclaiming, “My pronouns are USA!”

It would be wonderful if this inspired more students to push back in the same way next year.

They’re not the only ones setting an example for how to fight back against the LGBTQIA+ agenda in schools.

In Hamtramck, Michigan the all-Muslim city council and the Muslim mayor banned pride flags, not only from the schools, but from all of the city’s property.

These are examples for Americans to follow as we push back against degeneracy that closes in around us. We hope to hear many more such stories!


Flickering Liberty (no audio available)

“Tyranny is not easily conquered,” Thomas Paine famously wrote in America’s fight for independence.  The fight against tyranny continues.  Our nation is teetering on the edge, as tyranny seeks to put out the light of liberty.

For years we have seen a two-tiered justice system where those on the Right are prosecuted on trumped up charges, while true corruption on the Left continues unabated and unpunished.  And now we see Biden weaponize the Department of Justice against his leading opponent in the upcoming presidential race.  America is quickly going from a Constitutional Republic to a banana republic.

Government is supposed to restrain evil, not perpetuate it.  Yet corruption abounds, and there seems no recourse to stop it.

However, while we may feel helpless – our hope is in the Lord who will judge with righteousness.  His purpose is unfolding and He will rule and overrule.


YOU: the First Line of Defense

They’re coming after your children.” The Left denies it with accusations of fearmongering. But, it’s real, it’s growing, and the Right has been slow to take strong action against those who are “coming after our kids.”

Maybe the strength and rapidity of such attacks seemed unreal. Perhaps we didn’t believe that such evil could possibly be committed on a large scale, especially in America. Many likely assumed that government agencies had our best in mind and would offer the protection needed. But the simple fact is, our children are being targeted and attacked by both political and private predators.

Remember, YOU are your child’s first line of defense. Teach them the truths of God’s Word, pay attention to where they are online and offline, have difficult discussions with them, and, most importantly, share with your children God’s great love for them and let them know you love them unconditionally.

American Decency published an article on this topic last week here.


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