3 in 3 for 7-21-23

By: Steve Huston

“Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me.” (John 14:1) These words are as fitting for the disciples of Jesus today as when He first spoke them. As one reads and listens to these three Decency Minutes our hearts may be tempted to be troubled – believe in God; put your faith in Christ.

Puritan Thomas Lye has a fitting word for us regarding these things:

Faith is the antidote and healer of all diseases. It allows a believer to live in the midst of death. God has extraordinary means to bear us up when ordinary ones fail. He can turn poisons into antidotes, hindrances into furtherances, and destructions into deliverances. The ravens give Elijah food. A whale becomes Jonah’s ship, and pilot too. An Almighty God can work without means. God often brings his people into such a condition that they do not know what to do. He does this that they might know what he can do. God is with his people at all times, but he is most sweetly with them in the worst of times.

Whatever you may be facing, no matter what will yet come your way, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.”

To hear Bill Johnson read these Decency Minutes, click on the title or go to www.AmericanDecency.org and click on the “Radio Programs” tab.


Free Speech has a Price

A Michigan bill would make it a felony to so-called “intimidate” someone by refusing to go along with their transgender identity, making it punishable by a fine of $10,000 or up to five years in prison.

Constitutional attorney Dave Kallman stated: “… ‘intimidate and harass’ can mean whatever the victim, or the authorities, want them to mean. The focus is on how the victim feels rather than on a clearly defined criminal act. … You are still guilty of the crime because the victim felt uncomfortable. The bill will lead to the prosecution of conservatives, pastors, and parents attending a school board meeting for simply expressing their opposition to the liberal agenda.

When authorities tried to silence the apostle Peter, he stated: “We must obey God rather than men.”  When the state tries to force you to affirm a lie, what will be your response?


AI and Persecution

Dr. David Curry, recently warned:

“Anything that challenges the supremacy of their communist ideal, China attacks. And it does so with really comprehensive monitoring…The 100 million Christians we know about in China are under great pressure.”

“The government has a very sophisticated artificial intelligence that sees your face… and they do facial scanning when you go in church, and if you go to church too often, if you take your kids to church – it will deduct from your personal social score; which means you’re no longer allowed to travel; you’re no longer allowed to have a government job or your kids can’t go to the school they want…  So they’re really forcing people into a certain kind of behavior through this monitoring and punishing religious expression and Christian faith.”

With growing surveillance and increasing animosity toward Biblical Christianity in America, our day of heightened persecution is likely closer than we realize.


Transgender Trouble

A former Army neuropsychologist sees serious issues with allowing those with gender dysphoria into the military. One reason is that transgender soldiers taking hormones are more likely to suffer from mood swings and health problems, making them a higher mission risk when deployed. He also stated that transgender patients take massive doses of testosterone or estrogen, which disrupts the entire physical system of the body.

Transgender troubles aren’t limited to the military.  Danish and Swedish studies recently reveal that transgender people are more likely to commit suicide. The Danish study reported that transgender people are 7.7 times as likely to attempt suicide and the Swedish study states, “Persons with transsexualism, after sex reassignment, have considerably higher risks for mortality, suicidal behavior, and psychiatric morbidity than the general population.

Regardless of how one dresses or surgically manipulates their body, DNA does not lie. We are what God created us to be.


As we step into this weekend and close this email, allow me to remind you of God’s goodness with some more words from Puritan Thomas Lye:

“God’s almighty arm is stable ground upon which saints may securely build their trust. His omnipotent hand spans the heavens (Isa. 40:12. He is strong and mighty (Psa. 24:8) and created the world with a word (Psa. 33:9). He is El-Shaddai, Almighty God (Gen. 17:1). His vast power far exceeds our needs, prayers, thoughts, and all that we could ever need, beg, or imagine. We can ask great things and can imagine even greater. God’s power far exceeds all. If we open our mouth ever so wide he can more than fill it (Psa. 86:10).


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