It’s Friday; the news is still largely bad. Most people have even become skeptical of the good news stories they occasionally hear – “Oh, there’s proof that the Bidens are corrupt? Great, but will anything come of it?” Yeah, things look bleak; BUT GOD – that’s the GREAT news! BUT God is still in control, working out His perfect plan in His perfect timing. Things look bad here, BUT God has told us that this world is not our home – like Abraham of old, let us look “for a city which hath foundations, whose builder and maker is God.” If you’re like me, you’re thinking, “BUT I still have to live here!” Yes, BUT God strengthens, keeps, and empowers you to REALLY LIVE here. Remember Jesus’ words in John 16:33, “These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.” I trust that these words will be a great comfort to you.
Read (and/or listen to by clicking the titles) these news stories prayerfully, with confidence that God is still on the throne. Remember Paul’s words, “In EVERY thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.” Please help us by sharing these Decency Minutes through your social media accounts. Most importantly, share the good news of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, that’s what people really need to hear.
The numbers are staggering. Over 5.5 million illegals have entered the U.S. under Biden. Recently, six people on the FBI’s Terror Watchlist were apprehended at the border. What’s even more troubling, is the unknown number who weren’t apprehended. Thousands from China have crossed the border. What are their motives? We have no way of knowing, because they aren’t vetted; illegals are simply given a court date to appear years later – and then released within the country.
Biden and the Left don’t care about national sovereignty. They’re waiting to ram through legislation, allowing non-citizens to vote – giving the Left permanent power.
As Christians, we have an indisputable duty to help the poor and oppressed. God gives the state the indisputable duty to uphold the law and protect the nation. Love for neighbor includes respect for social order – we need an immigration policy that does both.
Kentucky Governor Andy Beshear has been ordered to pay the legal fees of three people who sued him after threatening to prosecute them for attending church during the COVID-19 “pandemic.”
One of the plaintiffs, Theodore Roberts, spoke to the “wasted tax dollars” that were spent on Beshear’s unconstitutional behavior, tweeting, “I know a lot of people who are outraged that the TAXPAYER is on the hook for ANDY’S constitutional violation. I share this outrage, but this outrage must be aimed at Beshear. If the people of Kentucky want to quit being taxed to pay for these court judgments, Kentucky MUST elect a governor who will actually follow the constitution.”
It’s great news when justice is served, but it’s better news when the wrong is circumnavigated at the polls. Be an informed voter long before the election and don’t be afraid to use your constitutional rights to fight for justice.
In a recent interview with the Babylon Bee podcast, Pastor Doug Wilson made this poignant comment regarding people who accuse him of wanting to impose his morality on others: It’s not whether you impose morality, it’s which morality you impose.
Legislators can’t escape crafting laws based off of someone’s ideas of right and wrong, but whose will they be? Will they come from God’s Word or the current opinion of the majority?
This is exactly why America was founded as a republic, rather than subjected to the mob rule of a democracy. The people choose their representatives who, hopefully, make their decisions based off of what is right and wrong.
Unrooted from God’s Word, however, politicians mostly end up making decisions based on what has the most benefit for them and their friends.
TRUE morality, however, OUGHT to be imposed, out of love for our neighbors.
God’s way is ALWAYS the best way.
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