3 in 3 for 10/6/23

By: Steve Huston

Our God is an awesome, fearful, holy, and loving God; there is no God like Him. This same God has created all things for His good pleasure – nations, people, and truth to name three. He is all-powerful and worthy of all glory, honor, and praise. Do our lives reflect these truths? As you read or listen to this week’s Decency Minutes narrated by Bill Johnson, we urge you to consider your ways, thoughts, and emotions. Ask yourself, “Do I live in the recognition of God’s sovereignty?”

Our final Decency Minute quotes Abraham Kuyper, “There is not a square inch in the whole of creation over which Christ, who is Sovereign over all, does not cry: ‘Mine!’” In the “square inch” that I occupy, do I willingly comply with God’s sovereignty or am I fighting it?

Pornography Awareness Month

October is “Pornography Awareness Month” and, as president of the American Decency Association, I want to remind our listeners of a few things:

First, with the rise of smart phones and numerous other devices hooked up to the internet, pornography is rampantly available and even pushed on all age groups, including children.

Second, with increased availability comes normalization. Many children may not be aware that what they’re viewing IS pornography. Have intentional talks with your children and grandchildren NOW, regarding device use, what’s appropriate for viewing, and the importance of protecting their eyes and their own bodies. Because,

Third, normalization leads to desensitization. We must protect our children and their minds by intentionally teaching them that they were created by God to glorify Him. Their bodies were created wonderfully for God’s use and are only to be shared intimately with that one special person within the God-designed bounds of marriage.

For a more extensive look into these points, read our article published earlier in the week here.

The Numbers Are Staggering…

The numbers are staggering – 10,000 illegal aliens are pouring over the U.S. border every single day.  Since Joe Biden took office, nearly 6 million have entered the U.S. illegally, and that doesn’t include the millions who enter undetected.  That’s over half of the population of my home state of Michigan.

Meanwhile, American citizens are paying the price – including 200 senior citizens from Staten Island who were evicted from their nursing home in order to turn the facility into housing for illegal aliens.  Among those evicted was a 95 year-old Korean war veteran.

As states and cities are overrun and overwhelmed with the flood of illegals, the damage purposefully caused by the Biden administration may never be undone.  The chaos is intentional.  Democrats don’t care about the citizens who will be harmed.  They aren’t trying to defend the rule of law, they’re trying to subvert it.


Total Truth

Twenty years ago, Nancy Pearcey warned Christians about the coming postmodern world. We see its implications all around us today: there is no vision of Truth to which we can all agree, or – to put it in Biblical terms – “everyone does what is right in their own eyes.”

Pearcey said in her book, Total Truth: “If we aspire to engage the battle where it is really being fought, we must find ways to overcome the dichotomy between sacred and secular, public and private, fact and value – demonstrating to the world that a Christian worldview alone offers a whole and integral truth. It is true not about only a limited aspect of reality but about total reality.”

Our faith should shape every decision in every aspect of our lives. As one theologian said, “There is not a square inch in the whole of creation over which Christ, who is Sovereign over all, does not cry: ‘Mine!’”

Regardless the personal, moral, or national crises surrounding us today or in the future, the fact that God is an unchanging, all-powerful, and sovereign God should move us to pray to our loving Heavenly Father and to rest in Him. No matter what comes our way, we can be sure that 1) it has not taken Him by surprise, 2) He is greater than any issue, and 3) it has been Father-filtered before it came to us. Our God is from everlasting to everlasting and so is His truth. Believer, take comfort in these things.



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