3 in 3 for 10-20-23

By: Steve Huston

When listening to (by clicking the title’s link) or reading these Decency Minute scripts this week, I would urge you to remember Paul’s admonition to Timothy that “Godliness with contentment is great gain” (I Tim. 6:6) and that he himself had “learned, in whatsoever state (he was), therewith to be content.” (Phil. 4:11) The natural question is, “With ALL that is going on everywhere and the troubles on every hand, how can I be content?” Puritan Thomas Jacombe has addressed this issue considerately and Biblically:

Learning this lesson (contentment) is both supernatural and mysterious. This knowledge doesn’t come from natural light; it must be infused by God, and taught by the Holy Spirit. There must be a divine light beamed into the soul, a special grace from Christ, and the supernatural working of God’s Spirit in the heart, or else there can be no true contentment. Then, in a subordinate sense, it is taught by prudent observation, Christian experience, and daily, constant exercise. All of these, when blessed by God, contribute to making the heart quiet in every condition. It is the sincere Christian only who indeed lives this way.” (Following the Decency Minutes, we will share Mr. Jacombe’s directions on HOW to learn contentment of heart.)


Who’s the REAL Terrorist?

Under Biden, Border Patrol has encountered over 72,000 special interest illegal aliens entering the U.S.  A “special interest alien” is from a nation that promotes terrorist activity or is a possible security threat to the U.S.

Yet the risk that possible terrorists are entering the country seems of no concern to the Biden administration. Rather, a recent report revealed that nearly two-thirds of the FBI’s current investigations are focused on Trump supporters, labeling them as potential domestic terrorists.

The FBI is putting our nation at risk by ignoring true terrorism and instead targeting voters based on their political views.  Federal law enforcement agencies are supposed to be apolitical – not used as a cudgel to intimidate citizens. 

We are teetering on the edge of tyranny.  Pray for justice and righteousness to prevail.  Despite the judgment our nation deserves, may God be gracious and merciful once again.

For more information on this topic and links to document these findings read Lisa Van Houten’s superb article posted earlier this week here.


Scholastic Books are NOT for Kids!

Scholastic book fairs have a long legacy in elementary schools. Many a mashed-up catalog has ridden home in backpacks around the country, promoting entertaining reading material, peddled by teachers hoping for free books for their classrooms.

Parents rarely flip through those thin pages, but if they have in the last few years, they’d find that topics which would have been off-limits to kids in the not-so-distant past have been proudly promoted by the “book club.”

Scholastic has pushed – and continues to push – topics like teen sexuality and LGBT ideology.

Some good news though: this year, thanks to parents’ pushback, schools can opt out of receiving catalogues featuring those books.

However, parents and schools should not take that news as a green light to support a company which is knee-deep in sexualizing and indoctrinating students.

Tell your school, Scholastic Books are not for kids.


Stopping the Mouth

Why does it matter that the Bible calls homosexuality a sin? God’s law not only reflects His holy character, it’s also the means He uses to bring sinners to repentance. Romans three teaches that the law is meant to stop every justifying mouth so all might recognize their guiltiness before God. But when a pastor or professing Christian redefines or adjusts what the Bible says in order to appease the hearts of sinful people, the homosexual or other sinners are much less likely to be brought to repentance and their self-justifying mouths will continue to proclaim their innocence before God and men.

Regardless of intention, whether we want to justify a friend, be accepted, or not be seen as harsh, it is not loving God when we deny His Word as it is and it isn’t loving men to hinder the work God would do in their lives.

The question will come to this: How may we get this excellent frame, to be contented under anything that may befall us? He that would learn to live content must be (1.) a considering man, (2.) a godly man, and (3.) a praying man. Consideration will do much, grace or godliness will do more, and prayer will do most of all. In consideration, we have the strength of the man; in grace the strength of the Christian; and in prayer, the strength of God! These being united do the work effectually. (Thomas Jacombe)


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