3 in 3 for 10/13/23

By: Steve Huston

This week we have three news items, written by our staff, dealing with international (Israel’s war), national/international (America’s border crisis), and national/internal (dangerous affirmations of homosexuality within the church) troubles, which could easily steal our peace if we allowed our minds to wander from being stayed on our sovereign, all-powerful God. These are perilous times in desperate need of prayer.

One puritan divine, John Flavel, once wrote: “Prayer honours providence and providence honours prayer.” Let’s look at that in context as we feel the burden of prayer for the happenings around the world and in our own nation, recognizing that God is sovereign and working out His all-sufficient and glorious plan:

Sometimes God uses the hand of enemies. He has bowed the hearts of many wicked men to show great kindness to his people that were intended for evil and mischief. Joseph’s brothers designed his ruin, but God used it for his advancement. The design and scope of providence must not escape our thorough consideration. Above all others, this is the most warming and melting consideration—‘And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose’ (Rom. 8:28). …Consider also the relation providence bears to our prayers! This is sweet meditation. Prayer honours providence and providence honours prayer!

As you read these Decency Minute scripts or listen to Bill Johnson, president of American Decency Association, narrate them, might you be stirred to prayer, trusting and resting in the comforting, sovereign Hand of God.

Lessons from the Attack on Israel

We watched in horror last week as hundreds of Israelis were butchered by Iranian-backed Hamas terrorists.  There are many lessons for America to learn from this heinous attack, but will we?

Lesson number one:  A secure nation needs secure borders.  As millions of unvetted illegal immigrants pour over our border from all over the world, how many wish to do us harm?  Hundreds of suspected terrorists have been apprehended at the border – how many weren’t caught?  Yet the Biden administration is targeting so-called “domestic terrorists” – otherwise known as Trump voters.

Lesson number two: Elections have consequences. Under Trump, America projected strength – imposing sanctions on Iran and cutting off funding which made its way to Hamas.  Under Biden, all that was reversed, including $6 billion to Iran – and the U.S. is now projecting weakness on the world stage.

America is in decline.  May God have mercy.


Will Biden Continue to Strengthen the Border?

Joe Biden is finally doing a little something about the river of illegal immigrants gushing over our border.

A very little something, but still twenty miles of new border fence isn’t nothing, especially when you promised to never build one foot and stopping new construction was one of your very first acts as president.

Maybe it’s the complaints coming from mayors and citizens of Democrat, “sanctuary” cities. Maybe it’s the increased spread of infectious disease or the temporary migrant housing popping up in city parks.

Whatever it is, the Biden administration seems to begrudgingly realize that their current policy of ignoring the flood of illegals is harming Americans. Will that realization affect any more policy? Or will he continue to hope that importing new voters will pay off in the years ahead? The answer will tell us whether Biden values Americans or whether he’s just interested in gaining political power for Democrats.


Dangerous Affirmations

Pastors affirming sin instead of attesting to truth, say it isn’t so! But many churches, pastors, and laity are affirming “Gay Christianity” today, making it seem Biblical and acceptable. In an effort to seem loving or due to fear of cultural clashes, pastors are putting “gay Christians” into heaven when they are on their way to hell. God’s people must be bastions of truth, proclaiming freedom in Christ, not prevaricators, stroking the sinner’s conscience, while damning him to hell. This is detestable. What God calls sin is, was, and always will be sin. The church needs to herald both this warning and the truth of a loving and transforming Christ.

If we don’t heed the warnings of Scripture, then we make God our enemy. Then, we’ll have to answer to Him for how we’ve twisted His clear words to us and led others astray by our dangerous affirmations.


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