3 in 3 +1 (Bonus Day!)

By: Steve Huston

Our regular Friday readers have become used to three short news or inspirational tidbits that we call Decency Minutes; they are the scripts from our radio program which is run locally on American Family Radio (AFR) and further outreaches through a couple of other venues. This week, however, we have a bonus Decency Minute for you; this means that you can listen to Bill Johnson narrate four Decency Minutes (by clicking on the title) and get a 33.3% increased blessing from other Fridays.

It’s our sincere prayer that these few minutes with us will spur you on to faithful obedience and prayer. Don’t look upon these days as finality, they are but the porch to eternity. In all you do, prepare yourself and others to walk through that door. The troubles of this world are meant to draw us closer to the Lord, focusing more on Him. Don’t waste these troubling times with anxiety; look to the heavens with praise, from whence cometh our help!

Deeper Into the Cesspool

2,400 Swiss women have banded together, suing their government, claiming it isn’t doing its duty in protecting them from climate change. The United Nations claims that children have a right to take legal action against a state or nation over “perceived damages from climate change.” In America’s first climate change trial, a Montana judge sided with sixteen 5- to 22-year-olds who said, “climate change was negatively affecting their physical and mental health.”

According to the Epoch Times, investigative journalist Brian O’Shea says “the U.N.’s endgame is policies modeled after the land grabs implemented by the Chinese Communist Party that restrict how farmers could manage their own agriculture and how much land an individual could acquire.”

As America continues to take its cues from the United Nations, we fall deeper and deeper into the same cesspool which pollutes life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness for Chinese citizens.


We Don’t Know What Seeds We’re Planting

As we serve the Lord, it can be discouraging when it seems as if there’s no fruit from our labor.  We see the wickedness around us and it’s tempting to just give up.

In 1912, missionary Dr. William Leslie moved to a remote area in the Congo. After 17 discouraging years, he returned to the U.S. believing he failed to make an impact for Christ.

Yet nearly one hundred years later, a missionary team made an incredible discovery – they found a hidden network of thriving Christian churches in the same remote jungle where Dr. Leslie had ministered.  These churches grew from the seeds he planted.

We may never know the impact we have, but in times of discouragement, remember God’s charge to us: “be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that in the Lord your labor is not in vain.”


Pipeline to Nowhere

Some of the world’s foremost businessmen plan to make billions in a new venture in the Midwest. How?  by constructing a massive pipeline across multiple states to permanently store CO2.

As Iowa’s ethanol plants emit the gas into the atmosphere, companies – including the largest monetary fund in the world, Larry Fink’s Black Rock – are planning to capture that CO2 so that they can take advantage of President Biden’s so-called “Inflation Reduction Act” which would grant them tax credits of over $17 billion per year, if their own math is correct.

The proposed pipelines would spread across 3,300 miles and would be highly pressurized, like a hydraulic hose on a piece of heavy equipment. One such pipeline exploded in Mississippi in 2020, hospitalizing 45 people.

Biden’s schemes to “green” American are putting Americans at risk and helping his wealthy globalist friends keep their money at the expense of Middle America.

To learn more about this topic, check out an article we posted earlier this week.


Obedience Like Daniel

Sometimes we go through things and wonder why we’re put in this situation.  What has God planned for us? In the book of Daniel, we see that Daniel is put into his first trial and that he obeys God by going against the King’s order. He won’t eat the King’s food. God blesses him and his friends by making them healthier than the others.

Later, Daniel sees himself again going up against the King.  This time the King has a dream that he wants the wise men to tell him and to explain.  Daniel and his friends are the only ones that ask God to reveal it to them.  When God does, Daniel doesn’t take the glory but tells the King it was God.

God puts us in positions to show His greatness and to open the eyes of others for a reason.  We just need to be obedient.

We are called to be faithful. We urge you to be faithful in prayer, Bible reading, meditation, church attendance in a Bible-following church, and sharing the gospel with others. All these things will play a role in fulfilling our responsibility to Peter’s exhortation:But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear: I Peter 3:15


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