Will Young Americans Keep Our Republic?

By: Steve Huston

America is more than an expansive land from “sea to shining sea” and more than the people who call her “home.” She is more than the sum of her founding documents, as great as they are, more than a “shining city on a hill,” and more than some lady standing charitably in a harbor calling out for the world’s tired, poor, and huddled masses who are yearning to breathe free. America is more than the strong characters that founded her, framed her with a great constitution, and through many wars fought for her. If it were possible to strip away all the sentimentality, patriotism, and abundant accusations being flung at her, we would see that America is a set of ideals that pulls its people together as “one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all;” ideals of self-governance, sovereignty, submission to God’s declaration of right and wrong, and supplication to Him for help in time of trouble. Although the ideal of America is perfect, so far as it is based on Biblical principles, her people are not. The crimson stains that darken America’s purity and vitality don’t speak to faulty ideals, but rather show where we have betrayed our own heritage, our own selves. In this sense, how can we expect young Americans to keep our republic when, for many decades, we have not. “We the People” and the church have for far, far too long failed to pass on these ideals and the Christian principles which hold them together. We have neglected to teach what it is to be an American, a Christian, and the immense danger to our nation and ourselves in trying to separate the two.

A recent Heartland—Rasmussen poll reveals the rotting fruit of our neglect: “Young Voters Want United Nations, Not U.S. Government, to Protect American Citizens’ Civil Rights.”

“Since the United States was founded in 1789, it has retained total sovereignty over the protection of American citizens’ civil rights. However, most young voters (53%) believe the U.S. government should surrender its sovereignty over the protection of American citizens’ civil rights to the United Nations.” Yet, “68% of voters aged 40 to 64-years-old ‘strongly’ or ‘somewhat’ oppose any law that would relinquish the U.S. government’s authority to protect the civil rights of American citizens to the United Nations.”

Chris Talgo, Senior Editor of The Heartland Institute, states, “It is flat-out frightening that most young voters believe the United States should abandon its power to protect the civil rights of American citizens to the United Nations. As globalism gains momentum, and the World Economic Forum continues to push its Great Reset agenda, we must ensure that the U.S. government retains sole dominion when it comes to protecting the civil rights of American citizens.”

Jack McPherrin, Research Editor, Research Fellow to The Heartland Institute, rightly identifies “…the most distressing aspect of this poll is found within the response to the last question. Forty-three percent of Democrats, and a whopping 53 percent of young voters, would somewhat or strongly favor a law placing the United States under the purview of the United Nations. That is simply mind-boggling. Such a law would destroy our democracy, end the rule of law, erode our national security, and ultimately extinguish the freedoms that countless Americans have given their lives to protect, time and time again.

Such shocking news isn’t all that shocking when we recognize that an agenda has been foisted upon our young people for too many years as trusting American parents believed that both our government and its education system had our best interest at heart. Even with the best of teachers caring about their many students, the curriculum pushed an agenda through what was left out, revisionism, and, more noticeably, what was added. A few examples would include the lack of teaching on the Declaration of Independence, the War for Independence, the Constitution of the United States of America with its preamble and Bill of Rights and unique checks and balances system. Don’t forget the removal of prayer and the Ten Commandments which showed the need for absolute standards, diligence, faith, and critical thinking. The removal of these things, and much more, caused an erosion of our firm national foundations and the spiritual morality and strength that kept us. With these building blocks and the amazing historical accounts surrounding them missing, revisionism was an easy task, pointing to the perceived weaknesses of our founders while ignoring their strengths. Revisionism became bolder until blatant lies were believed. Of course nature abhors a vacuum; when truth is removed, something must take its place. Leftists stood at the ready to fill that void with Critical Theory, Critical Race Theory, social justice, a “scare-demic,” and a push for entertaining ourselves; all based on feeling rather than fact and compliments of CCP infiltration and indoctrination.

Add to this the 2012 Obamacare ad “The Life of Julia” (a single-parent completely dependent on the government for 65 years) and the 2013 ad “Pajama Boy” (a stereo-typical “adult” man-child in footie pjs sipping hot cocoa) and one gets a further undermining of responsibility and child-rearing while demanding that someone else take care of their needs. Why should younger adults depend upon our own government when Mr. Biden recently attempted to relinquish America’s sovereignty to a globalist healthcare cabal? Remember that most globalists are attempting to decrease the population and limit birth rates. Victor Davis Hanson writes, “There are historic downsides – economic, cultural, social, and military – to nations that shun child raising. They shrink in size and age, no longer believe in transcendence, become mostly agnostic or atheistic, and obsess on the self.”

Add to these an American church which, by and large, is not immune to these government agendas. Most neither teach critical nor generational thinking, allow the government to control if they’re open and how many can attend, and, in many cases, willingly allow the government to take over their role in society. Instead of teaching people to think Biblically, many have allowed themselves to go “woke” instead of following the admonition of 1 Corinthians 15:34, “Awake to righteousness, and sin not; for some have not the knowledge of God: I speak this to your shame.

To put it succinctly, America is falling for the same reason ancient Israel did. “Hath a nation changed their gods, which are yet no gods? but my people have changed their glory for that which doth not profit. Be astonished, O ye heavens, at this, and be horribly afraid, be ye very desolate, saith the LORD. For my people have committed two evils; they have forsaken me the fountain of living waters, and hewed them out cisterns, broken cisterns, that can hold no water.” (Jer. 2:11-13)

To answer the question “Will young Americans keep our republic?” we must ask two questions.

First, will young Americans learn the following lesson shared by Edward Stanley Robertson’s essay, The Impracticability of Socialism, before it’s too late?  “Freedom is the most valuable of all human possessions, next after life itself. It is more valuable, in a manner, than even health. No human agency can secure health; but good laws, justly administered, can and do secure freedom. Freedom, indeed, is almost the only thing that law can secure. Law cannot secure equality, nor can it secure prosperity. In the direction of equality, all that law can do is to secure fair play, which is equality of rights but is not equality of conditions. In the direction of prosperity, all that law can do is to keep the road open. … Socialism, disguise it how we may, is the negation of Freedom.”

Second, and more importantly, will the church take up its cultural role of relevance by living out a transformed life of personal holiness that manifests itself in the social, political, economic, and religious realms? Young people are yearning for more than a cultural Christianity, or as some have called it, “Church-ianity.” They’re looking for vibrant and active Christians who refuse to abandon the public sphere. Here, the cost will be great, but the eternal glory greater. It’s this sincere commitment to Christ and His gospel that “turned the world upside down” and it’s this same commitment that is needed to turn America right-side up!

Of course the answer to our question is “only God knows.” Our job is to plant and water and weed, all to the glory of God. Only He can bring the increase. Regardless of whether America sinks or soars, our responsibility remains the same; daily deny yourself, take up your cross, and follow Christ.


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