Why THIS FILM Tomorrow?

By: Steve Huston

Join us TOMORROW, June 30 at 1:00 PM at American Decency Association (203 E Main Street, Fremont) for the film depicting the life of Justice Clarence Thomas entitled, Created Equal – Clarence Thomas “in his own words”.  Please help us spread the word through social media, sharing this email, and word of mouth. Watch a trailer for it here.

We’ve been making several movies available lately; let me assure you it’s not because we have nothing better to do. It’s because, as you well know, America’s in trouble and we need to recognize both why and what we can do. We must ALWAYS pray; but then we must put feet to our prayers. These films are meant to both educate and act as a catalyst to action, even if the only action we feel we can do is pray and inform others, thereby becoming a catalyst ourselves. Wielding truth is the only weapon against willful, or accidental, ignorance. Perhaps tool is a better word than weapon; truth is meant to light the path, not to bludgeon others into submission. If people choose to remain blind to the troubles surrounding us we’ve done what we can do.

There are topics that many shy away from, either because it’s painful or “it is what it is; there’s nothing I can do about it,” or “to each their own, it’s not really a problem;” such seems to be the case last week as we showed Matt Walsh’s film “What Is a Woman?” However, this film educated the audience to the fact that this really is a problem and that our children and young people are truly being harmed. As this information sank in, I witnessed an impassioning of the soul to action. Some spoke up stating that “everyone needs to see this film, my grandchildren need to see this” and expressed anger at what is being done to our children’s bodies and minds. This stirring to deeper prayer and catalyst to awareness and action is why we show these films.

So why this film about Justice Thomas, a man who has a reputation for silence but is seemingly more and more outspoken? It’s my hope that each of us, who have been a little more silent than maybe we should, might become emboldened by his example. Justice Thomas has a deep sense of responsibility to, and love for, the truth that is particularly stirred by his love for God and compassion for his fellow-man.

When he was younger, in his own words, he was lashing out at everything; then, he asked God to take the anger out of his heart, and God answered that prayer.

When rejected by others because, “You’re not really black because you’re not doing what we expect black people to do;” when they attempted to get rid of him, assaulting his character because, “This is the wrong black guy. He has to be destroyed;” Clarence Thomas remained steadfast to his values and faithful to the truth.

How would one summarize Thomas’ life? I believe the following scene does that best. After unjustly being accused of sexual harassment and having threats made against him, Justice Thomas was asked, “So you’d still like to serve on the Supreme Court?” He replied, “I’d rather die than withdraw from the process.” You’ll want to join us this Thursday at 1 PM, simply to hear the rest of his response in this situation. It’s one of the most courageous stands you’ll ever hear.

After seeing this film one will better understand what brings Justice Clarence Thomas into the spotlight today. Character is made of defining moments; one rarely stands tall and true when they’ve spent a lifetime of compromise. Whether you’ve already been standing strong or just sitting on the sidelines watching our culture drift from its founding principles into the swirling vortex that threatens us now, you’ll be encouraged and emboldened by a man who’s stood the test of time and continues to stand to this day.

Please, spread the word about this film being shown at American Decency (203 E. Main St, Fremont) tomorrow, June 30, at 1 PM. Join us and bring somebody with you!


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