The Left uses many tactics to cover up the truth – deception, vague wording, accusing others of what they are doing, flat out lies, and the list goes on ad nauseum. As we approach the midterm elections, it’s vital that truth is pulled out of the shadows and set front and center for all to see. That’s why we’re pleased to present these two links that people can inform themselves with, share on their various social media platforms, pass along in an email, and even verbalize the information found here with others in person.
Proposal 3:
We’ve shared with our readers on several occasions the importance of voting NO on Proposal 3. We’ve explained how it will do great damage to the moral climate of Michigan and the many ways in which it opens too many doors that will be hard to shut because it is a change to Michigan’s Constitution. We’ve shared an excellent 5-minute video that clearly shows the real-life application of some of the inherent dangers that accompany the passage of Proposal 3.
The Left has denied the truths that they’ve covered up through deception and vague wording in Proposal 3; but here is a link that shows with great clarity and conciseness how Proposal 3 opens the door for those things we, and others, have been giving warning about.
Governor Whitmer:
It’s been a long-standing joke that politicians are allergic to the truth; but it’s really no laughing matter. The public is used to expecting deception instead of transparency and political sleight of hand – misdirection. It’s odd that in a digital and technological age where everything is stored away somewhere that politicians believe they can lie to those who are casting ballots and escape detection. In this 2-minute ad Governor Whitmer claims that she didn’t keep children out of school for more than three months. What follows is a montage of proof that this is not the case. This is not an endorsement of any candidate; rather, it’s simply bringing truth to the forefront.
We urge you to pray for these upcoming midterm elections, that the Lord’s will be done and that Michigan’s citizens will bend their knee to the God of Heaven. Do what you can to spread the truth, pray, and rest in Him.
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