Showing the fight against communism to be the spiritual battle that it is, American Decency is bringing Trevor Loudon and strong local pastors together for a unique conference that will deal with the dangers we currently face, how to respond, and a reminder of where our hope truly and firmly lies.
Thursday, July 28 @ 6:30 PM – Oakhill Church
1930 Leonard Street NE, Grand Rapids, MI
Trevor Loudon (Topic – “Connecting the Dots”)
Pastor Alan Flowers (Topic – “The Role of the Church for Truth”)
Friday, July 29 @ 1:00 PM – Living Word Church
1551 Wood Street, Muskegon, MI
Trevor Loudon (Topic – “Connecting the Dots”)
Ralph Rebandt (Topic – “Caesar Kurios or Jesus Kurios?”)
Friday, July 29 @ 6:30 PM – New Life Fellowship
12960 James Street, Holland, MI
Trevor Loudon (Topic – “Connecting the Dots”)
Pastor Mart Novak (Topic – “Christ’s Church – The World’s Bastion of Truth”)
Saturday, July 30 @ 9:00 AM – American Decency Association
203 E Main Street, Fremont, MI
Trevor Loudon (Topic – “Connecting the Dots”)
Pastor Bob VanManen (Topic – “Roman’s 13 and the Duty of Government”)
Pastor Vern Picknally (Topic – “The Loveliness of the Church: Christ in Her Midst”)
Jay Greer (President, Compass College of Film & Media)
Sunday, July 31 @ 3:00 PM – Christ the King Presbyterian Church
2224 Main Street, Shelby, MI
Trevor Loudon (Topic – “Connecting the Dots”)
Pastor Jeff Swanson
Communism reminds me of a desert snake called the sidewinder. It’s too slow to catch the gecko lizard, which happens to be one of its favorite snacks. So the sidewinder buries its entire body under the sand except for the tip of its tail. This tail, sticking out of the sand and looking like a blade of grass, tricks ants into thinking it’s a source of food. Geckos love to eat ants; so, as the ants gather to check out the tail, he’s drawn to the same spot. While the unsuspecting gecko is munching on his favorite meal the sidewinder grabs the gecko from beneath the sand and eats the lizard!
The dragon of communism is too slow to catch its favorite meal, a nation of God-fearing, well-informed, thinking, freedom-loving people. So it hides beneath the sands of that nation’s institutions, leaving its tail exposed – imitating wealth, knowledge, power, etc. – drawing the masses to itself until the church, little by little, follows the crowd to the “free meal.” Then that dragon emerges from the sand, grabbing that nation in its iron claws, and devours (enslaves) it, bringing persecution to those who continue to cling to Christ.
Communism may one day engulf the world, but those who are in Christ have a hope which transcends time and their joy is found from an eternal source, strengthening them even in the midst of persecution. We urge you to attend this conference where the dangers of the “dragon” will be exposed beneath the sand, the hope of the Christian will be well identified, and the crucified and risen Christ will be lifted up and magnified in the midst of the mess we find ourselves in.
Bring others with you, believers and unbelievers alike. Find a venue that is close to you; or, if you’re not available at that time, drive for the information and encouragement that these conference events are sure to offer. This conference is vital for such a time as this because we need to be, as Paul told the believers at Ephesus, “Redeeming the time, because the days are evil.” (Ephesians 5:16)
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