It’s urgent that parents and grandparents take action now, getting deeply involved in the lives of those children God has graciously put within their spheres of influence. Such actions would include, but are not limited to, personal conversations about their lives and souls, urging them to drop certain social media platforms and apps, developing devotional habits, and always pointing them to Christ. After all, as a Herald of Holiness magazine from 1912 put it, “Your homes are what you make them and your children are what your homes make them, and the Church and the nation of the future will be just what your children shall make them.” It starts with our homes, what WE make them; so, self-examination on our part as authority figures is vital. What are we making our homes? Although this article deals specifically with TikTok, we must be ever vigilant regarding what we are allowing into our homes, into the souls of our children and grandchildren. We have a dire responsibility to speak into these dangers, dangers which attack our nation, our families, and our individual souls.
If our children are our most precious resource and the future of our nation, and they are, then we’d better start taking a more diligent and serious approach of protecting them from China, an enemy that has stolen much from us already. Let us say with determination and prayer, “You may not have our children!” If you’re not familiar with the Chinese app TikTok, get informed now. Below is a sort of basic training on the unrestricted, and spiritual, warfare that is being digitally waged against America and her youth.
National Dangers
US Air Force Brigadier General Robert Spalding (ret.) warns that TikTok is an instrument of the CCP’s unrestricted warfare against America and speaks about the difference between the Chinese version of this app and that which is offered to other countries, including America. This short 60 Minutes video clip shows how China’s TikTok and the version of TikTok offered to the rest of the world is drastically different. Don’t miss this clip.
A recent Frank Gaffney Secure Freedom Minute also addresses this digital plight: It reads, in part, “Have you wondered why America’s young people think: their country is systematically racist; China had nothing to do with the pandemic that has killed more than a million of us; and socialism is a preferable form of governance?
“Such widespread misapprehensions may have something to do with the fact that our kids are being insidiously, comprehensively and highly effectively brainwashed by the Chinese Communist Party as part of its ‘unrestricted warfare’ aimed at destroying the United States.
“…the CCP has weaponized a highly addictive app called TikTok. It uses sophisticated Big Data collection and analysis and powerful artificial intelligence to hook, indoctrinate and otherwise subvert coming generations of Americans – even as TikTok’s content inside China promotes instead patriotism, academic excellence and personal achievement. Ban TikTok now.”
Gary Bauer reports, “By the way, an article was published last week asking if Tik Tok, a communist Chinese app, tilted the midterm elections against the GOP. It notes that ‘TikTok’s algorithm decides what each user will see next,’ and it warns that more and more young Americans are getting their news from Tik Tok, with 40% of them even preferring it as a search engine over Google.”
Personal and Youth Dangers
Democrat Sen. Mark Warner (D-VA) warns, “Well, I think Donald Trump was right. TikTok is an enormous threat.” He calls it a threat on two levels. 1) “It is a massive collector of information, oftentimes of our children. They can visualize even down to your keystrokes,” continuing, “All of that data that your child is inputting and receiving is being stored somewhere in Beijing.” 2) “TikTok in a sense is a broadcasting network.” He tells how the CCP controls what is being broadcast into our children’s minds. This article from The Hill describes this in fuller detail. Watch this FOX News interview with Senator Warner discussing these issues.
Sen. Tom Cotton (R-VA) was also interviewed by FOX News where he warns, “It’s not just the contents you upload to TikTok but all the data on your phone and other apps, all your personal information, even facial imagery, even where your eyes are looking on your phone.” This and more about TikTok starts at the 3:34 mark. He urges people to take this app off their phone and, if possible, get a new phone.
Watch the first half of this 4-minute video as Mike Pompeo warns why the government must ban TikTok now. Watch Fox Business (11/2/22) as FCC Commissioner Carr urges the US to ban TikTok (this is a very important 8-minute video that should be watched).
Committee on the Present Danger: China, with Frank Gaffney and several others presented a webinar that should be on everyone’s watch list. This is a 90-minute presentation that is so informative regarding TikTok and America, Americans, and particularly young people. I cannot urge you strongly enough to watch it in its entirety. Col. John Mills, U.S. Army (Ret.), gives warning that most Americans have “digital twins” created by the CCP through its many forms of data collection, particularly that of TikTok.
One of the several speakers is a woman by the name of Connie Elliot. Her presentation was entitled How TikTok Advances the CCP’s Agenda of Destroying America. She speaks of neurotransmitters, dopamine and endorphins, what different videos do to us, how they grab us in fear or rage or disgust. She speaks about how TikTok changes the way we talk about suicide and other personal topics that were enlightening on many levels. Again, I urge you, don’t miss this informative and very understandable presentation.
Soul Dangers/Solutions
While there are many aspects of TikTok which could prove hazardous to our souls, honestly, TikTok is more of a symptom than a cause when it comes to soul danger.
A symptom because if we were as devoted to Christ as we should be, TikTok would not be as alluring to our senses or as big a distraction from the care of our soul or spiritual growth. Again, each of us must look at our own lives; there are many such distractions available that can feed the lust of the flesh, that we may not see as “bad” but could pose similar hazards. Anything without moderation poses a danger. And yet, TikTok is blatantly dangerous on so many levels.
What’s one to do? It’s important that we don’t just take these things away without putting something positive in their place. After all, nature abhors a vacuum; human nature needs fulfillment. It won’t be easy, but it’s imperative.
What can be more positive than developing our family inter-relationships and doing so around Christ. Paul’s words on family development stresses that a husband love his wife as Christ loved the church, wives submit to their husbands as unto the Lord, and for children to obey their parents in the Lord. Such beginnings only enhance our family time together whether playing games, reading together, going on walks or other forms of exercise, meal time, service projects, and the list can be inexhaustible. Parents, pray asking God to lead you into various things in which you can grow together as a family. Try new things together.
One of the most important things we must do to raise our children in the fear and admonition of the Lord is to develop a healthy family devotion time. Yes, it’s a time set aside to train our children in God’s Word and help them to develop a personal and growing relationship with Jesus Christ; but it’s more than that, too. It’s a time in which we teach them to pray, meditate, memorize, and, most importantly, to apply the Word of God to their lives. As we go throughout the day, we should look for teachable moments, pointing to the truth of the Bible being worked out, for “good” or for “bad,” in the lives of others, ourselves, and even on a national level (please take time to read Deuteronomy 6:4-9). It’s here that we can see even the prophets “come to life” as it were. These are even great discussions to have with our adult children.
It can’t be stressed enough that we must lead by example. We cannot listen to the noise of the world, others, or even what seems right in our own eyes; we must listen to the quiet voice of the Spirit leading us as we lead our families. Regardless of what seems right, we must trust in the God of the Bible and in His unfailing love for us. It’s such a trust that had been developed in Daniel as a child, which, when he was taken captive, caused him to purpose in his heart not to defile himself with the king’s meat. What are we developing in the hearts of our children and young adults? Do they have a taste for “the king’s meat or for communion with The King of kings? Tik-Tok, time is running out, for our families and our nation. Say no to TikTok and yes to Christ.
I pray that this poem by Eleanor Ruth Stephens, entitled The Fire Upon the Hearthstone, will stir your heart to light a spiritual fire in your home.
Have you built a family altar,
On the hearthstone of your home?
‘Tis not built of bricks and mortar,
But of loving, living stones.
‘Tis where father reads the Bible,
And where children lisp a prayer,
And where mother’s heart is lifted
Far above her load of care.
Little feet are kept from stumbling
As they go their earthly way,
And their hearts with love are lifted
As they journey through the day.
When they meet with fierce temptations
Can you hear your children say,
“God will help me in this battle,
For I’ve heard my father pray”?
Oh, the fire upon that altar
Will come down from heaven above,
And the One who blest the children
Will enfold you in His love—
Till those cords of love will bind you
To the home beyond the skies,
And the family be united
By far sweeter, closer ties!
Precious mother, dear, and father,
Can you pray your children through?
Have you brought them to the Saviour
Who can keep them clean and true?
They must face the world’s fierce conflict,
There’s so much depends on you;
Build, oh, build that family altar,
“Tis the least that you can do.
Oh, that precious family circle
Might be broken any day,
And the ones whose love we cherish,
From the home may pass away;
But we’ll meet them in the morning,
In the land of fadeless day,
If around that family altar
We have taught them how to pray!
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