By: Steve Huston


Friday, March 4, 2022 at 1:00 PM & 7:00 PM
Voice of the Martyrs movie Sabina: Tortured for Christ, the Nazi Years

Trailer #1

Trailer #2


We see suffering and persecution all around us. Whether we look to the past, like the Wurmbrands in communist Romania, or we look to contemporary suffering as we see in Ukraine or Christian martyrdom in many countries like Pakistan, Iran, or China, we must recognize that God allows it for His purposes and that He makes all things right.

The words of John Bunyan, in describing God’s working through such trials and tribulations and persecutions, can bring peace to our mind and soul:

I know that sufferings are not excellent in themselves, nor are they to be desired for any profit that they can yield, but God uses them as a teacher to make known the riches of his goodness that are seldom known by other means unto the sons of men. Thus, affliction yield the peaceable fruits of righteousness unto those who are exercised by them. The depth of God’s love is revealed in every providence, in every change, in every turn of the wheel that passes by us in the world. There may be some that are alive that are able to say—‘the days of affliction have been the best for me, for by them he caused his light to shine!’

The Wurmbrand’s story in communist occupied Romania shows this love for God and their fellowman by staying to preach the true gospel of Jesus Christ regardless of cost to themselves. While in prison, whenever Richard would preach the gospel the guards would take him away and beat him. After one severe beating he was brought back to the cell. After the guard left he said something to this affect, “I was beaten so hard that I think we are good to preach for quite awhile; gather around.”

Sabina shows a strength that is just as commendable; think about her words of warning: “Doing the work of God is dangerous. Not doing it is more dangerous.

American Decency desires to share such encouraging stories because we want to see our readers encouraged in the Lord and strengthened in the power of His might. Richard and Sabina could not go through all they did in their own strength; it was God and their faith in Him.

Join us at American Decency (203 E Main Street, Fremont) this Friday at either 1 PM or 7 PM to perhaps be surprised by the events that took place in Sabina’s life, but definitely to be encouraged at what God can do in the life of one committed to Him.

We encourage you to be strengthening your relationship with Jesus so you’ll be ready for the approaching days. Be wise and discerning through Bible reading, meditation, and prayer. Strive for a holiness of heart and life, following the Spirit’s gentle wooing and leadership. Strengthen your relationship with others within the Body of Christ. These are the things which brought the Scottish Covenanters, the Wurmbrands, and what brings our contemporary brothers and sisters in Christ through the promised trying times; these things will bring you through as well.

Beloved, think it not strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened unto you: But rejoice, inasmuch as ye are partakers of Christ’s sufferings; that, when his glory shall be revealed, ye may be glad also with exceeding joy. (1 Peter 4:12-13)


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