Testing the CCP Waters?

By: Steve Huston

A former Chinese human rights lawyer who’s now based in the United States has started a Twitter campaign to draw international attention to the plight of political prisoners in China, following the brutal prison assault and death of the father of the activist known as ‘Ink Girl,’ who [is] known for inking over public posters of Xi Jinping.” So begins an EpochTimes article from October 3, 2022.

According to the article there has been a good response, especially with the power of international attention. But what about those political prisoners who are suffering from human rights violations here in our own nation? What about those January 6 Americans who are being held as political prisoners, who have been and are being denied their constitutional rights? Who will keep these atrocities before the world, not allowing them to be moved onto the back burners of our righteous indignation or memories? Why does it even matter?

Sandy Rios and other truth-tellers have done much, on occasion, to bring them to the forefront of our minds. The Epoch Times has released a documentary on these political prisoners who have been wrongfully labeled insurrectionists. Do your part in keeping this miscarriage of “justice” before the public by being informed and sharing the truth with others. Join us at the ADA building (203 E. Main Street, Fremont, MI) on Friday, October 14 at either 1 PM or 7 PM to get a better understanding of what actually took place and what IS taking place.

One might wonder, “Does it really matter, I wasn’t in D.C. on January 6, 2021?” ABSOLUTELY it matters! Let’s go back to The Epoch Times article: “‘Yesterday, a friend on Twitter, Esme Chen, told me that paying attention to political prisoners is not just about them, but also for ourselves and the next generation,’ she added. ‘If the CCP’s policy spreads to the whole world, then it will make our escape from communist China meaningless.’”

We should be asking ourselves, Is our own government testing the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) waters? Are they seeing how much they can get away with versus how much pushback they might receive regarding both taking political prisoners and committing violations of human rights and in violating a citizen’s constitutional rights?

Is this the America our founders envisioned for us? Whatever we allow to any citizen of our free and constitutional republic, we are essentially saying that it’s okay to be done to us. Become informed; stand and let your voice be heard. Even though you may think it doesn’t affect you, it does! Join us on Friday, October 14 for either the 1 PM or 7 PM showing of The Epoch Times’ J6 documentary, it will shed light on this shadowed topic.


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