With the rapid change of weather in Michigan and other states, who hasn’t wished at one time or another that they had some say over the weather or climate? During the summer months, I often hear children (and sometimes adults) say, “I’m hot! I wish it were colder, can’t wait for winter,” and in the winter months, “It’s so cold, I can’t wait for summer to get here.” Beyond that, I am sure that there are many in my farming community who frequently wish they had a thermostat, humidistat, and/or barometric control at their fingertips!
While none of us has much of a say regarding snow, rain, sunshine, sleet, or the wind that blows, each of us in Michigan, and likely in other states, get to play a role in the moral climate come this November. Trust me when I say that we need to pray like it’s all up to God and we need to be out there working hard like it’s all up to us. Only then will we be able to rest in God’s sovereign design for our state and our nation.
Some of you who are reading this might not understand that even though Roe v Wade was repealed by the Supreme Court of the United States, that doesn’t mean clear skies and life for every child expecting to break free from their mother’s womb and into her loving arms. Now, each state must decide where they will stand, or fall, on the issue of life. Michigan had one of the strongest pro-life laws in the union; but at the repeal of Roe v Wade, Governor Whitmer, Planned Parenthood, and others put a stranglehold on that law from rightfully going into effect. And now, they are doing everything in their power to change Michigan’s Constitution which will repeal life and safety laws, severely limit parental rights, and put our children at grave risk emotionally and physically. This will be done through Proposal 3. It’s imperative that we vote NO on this proposal and convince others that, even if they are pro-choice, THIS Proposal 3 is too extreme, goes too far, and is too dangerous! VOTE NO!
Let me share just a few of the many ways that Proposal 3 goes too far, like I said, even if one is pro-choice the latitude given in this proposal should cause them to shudder.
Laws requiring parental consent and informed consent would be done away with. Laws which require abortion clinics to pass health and safety inspections would no longer be in effect to protect the health of the adult, teen, or child who has come for an abortion. Currently, Michigan has a law which says only doctors can perform abortions, once Proposal 3 has been passed that safeguard is gone. Like a bad Ginzu knife commercial, even after the removal of all these precautions which had been put in place for the protection of women, this proposal says, “Wait! There’s more!” The state cannot “penalize, prosecute, or otherwise take adverse action against someone for aiding or assisting a pregnant individual” in exercising this unlimited right (to abortion). Neither can the state penalize or prosecute someone for an “alleged pregnancy outcome.”
One of many “worse case scenarios” comes to mind: What if you were the parent of a 12- or 13-year-old daughter who became pregnant and a school teacher, unbeknownst to you, took her to the home of a person who would perform this surgery at low cost. This unlicensed practitioner harms your baby girl in an attempt to remove your child’s child; eventually, your little girl dies. Filled with so many emotions – horror, grief, pain, desiring of some retribution – you report it to the police, hoping for at least justice. Unfortunately, with Proposal 3 now part of the Michigan Constitution, you will find no satisfaction against either the teacher or the “abortionist” because the state cannot “penalize, prosecute, or otherwise take adverse action against someone for aiding or assisting a pregnant individual” or prosecute someone for an “alleged pregnancy outcome.”
Such things could and likely would happen in a state where all the safety and prosecutorial measures are removed for the sake of a full-blown, free-for-all pro-abortion initiative. It’s too extreme, too dangerous, and we must convince others to vote no on such a proposal that potentially puts us all at risk.
For more information on proposal 3, the loopholes it contains and explanations of the same, go to www.noproposal3.com; or visit www.supportmiwomenandchildren.org to view one of the Right to Life Michigan commercials, obtain free resources to help you learn and/or spread the truth regarding this abhorrent proposal, or sign up to help, receive informational emails, and much more.
I began this email talking about putting our hand to the climate controls of Michigan come this November. If Proposal 3 passes none of us have any idea how the climate of Michigan will change; but with a decreasing sensitivity to life and an open door to death with no consequences, one has to know that there will be a growing callousness, a hardening of our hearts and minds, and a coldness that will begin to pervade our state. A spiritual darkness will begin to become the norm as our children grow up believing that life is profane not sacred, segments of the population are expendable, parents don’t need to know what their children do, and the state is the one who really “loves” them.
Is my description extreme? Of course, it is; but no more extreme than the destination to which this extreme proposal naturally leads. Talk to your neighbors, friends, work associates, and family members. Regardless of where they stand on the life issue, let them know that Proposal 3 goes way too far. Proposal 3 is dangerous and extreme; vote NO!
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