Pray, Pray, Pray!

By: Steve Huston

Make sure to read through this email to the end; there are two opportunities you do NOT want to miss out on!

I was glad when they said unto me, Let us go into the house of the Lord. (Psalm 122:1) That was the beautiful atmosphere yesterday (Thursday, May 5) as 85 people poured into the American Decency building for the National Day of Prayer, humbling themselves before Almighty God and seeking His grace and mercy upon an undeserving land.

As you read this review of things prayed for may it serve as a reminder to continue praying daily for these things, remembering to also praise God for the beauty of His holiness and all that stems from that holiness, to thank Him for His many mercies and blessings, and to confess that His ways are higher than our ways and always right, humbly submitting to them.

*  A call to prayer was given, recognizing that our Heavenly Father is truly our only hope and stay.

*  A strong petition was raised asking God for strength and mercy for our persecuted brothers and sisters around the globe and for the churches of America to become the salt and light they are meant to be.

*  Specific prayer was raised for the people of Ukraine and their war-torn country. Beautifully and mercifully this prayer was offered up not only for the Ukrainian people but their enemies as well. I must point out that the prayer was offered up by one who was born and raised in Ukraine and still has family and friends living there. Yet, without hesitation, she prayed this heartfelt and difficult prayer, following the admonition of Christ, “Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you.” May this serve as a reminder for us to pray dutifully and obediently for those who wrong us as well.

*  Sweet prayers, on behalf of our military and its leaders, were raised to the God of heaven.

*  A bold prayer of faith was offered on behalf of families, that they would be strengthened by God’s preserving hand and that America would once again be a light to the nations.

*  A humbling meditation was given based on Isaiah 59 which dealt with Israel’s/America’s sin and a call to action for God’s people, who are under His protective wing, meant to go out dressed in God’s armor, standing for truth and light.

*  It was a father’s heart that offered a prayer of confession and a plea for God’s mercy and help that petitioned our Heavenly Father on behalf of our children and the world in which they’re being raised. Whether one has children or not, this must be our plea for they are our future.

*  A powerful prayer was given for the unborn, recognizing the scourge of abortion for what it is—sin! This prayer of confession recognized how deserving we are of God’s righteous judgment; yet pled for God’s mercy, that we would humbly receive whatever strong chastisement our loving Heavenly Father would give in place of His well-deserved judgment. O that God would grant all these prayers; but particularly this one, that His chastisement would be accompanied with the empowering of His Spirit to the brokenness of repentance.

*  At this point, several in attendance (both young and old) went forward to pray what was on their hearts for this nation. It was truly a beautiful time of prayer with a closing prayer that our Father’s will would be done and that our faith would be strong enough to accept what that will is.

This prayer gathering was closed out with a recitation defining of the Pledge of Allegiance and congregational singing of the “Battle Hymn of the Republic” and “Come Holy Spirit,” showing God’s Sovereignty in our nation’s rich Christian heritage and the need for God’s Spirit to ignite the church and her believers once more, that we might meet our responsibility to God and our duty to man. We urge you to continue to pray, pray, PRAY! Humble and heartfelt petitions to the God of heaven should be daily, not relegated to a gathering once a year.

After this precious time of prayer, recognizing God’s sovereignty, Thom Powell from the Right to Life of Michigan gave a short presentation, regarding the potential overturning of Roe v. Wade and the strong battle that Planned Parenthood is bringing to Michigan. It was a great time of informing and many had questions that he clearly answered. This was only meant to whet the appetite; because…

First: We invite you to join us at the American Decency building on May 20 (Fri.) at 1 PM as Thom 

Powell returns to give a fuller presentation, encouraging us in the Lord to do what we can and informing us how to best keep Planned Parenthood’s nefarious plans from coming to fruition. More information on this very important event will be hitting your inbox soon. How important? If Planned Parenthood succeeds, the door to infanticide will be open in Michigan!

Second: Not an American Decency event but something to be aware of THIS WEEKEND.

Dinesh D’Souza has come out with a new documentary entitled 2000 Mules that will settle the issue (of election fraud) beyond a shadow of a doubt by using two powerful, independent modes of investigation. The evidence is so conclusive, so decisive, that it leaves nothing to argue about.

He says, “2000 Mules contains a lot of never-before seen footage depicting glove-wearing mules moving from county to county delivering absentee ballots to drop boxes, often in the dead of night.” An Epoch Times article, in discussing this film, states, True the Vote estimates that at least 4.8 million votes were trafficked nationally.

Click here to read Dinesh D’Souza’s article in the Epoch times as he writes about his latest documentary.

Click here to watch an extended trailer of 2000 Mules and to sign up to view this important documentary on election fraud and our need for election integrity. If elections are not truly fair, we are not truly free.

To view this article in your browser, Click here

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