LGBT Activists in the Church – Recap

By: Steve Huston

I believe it’s safe to say that not one person who attended our final event of the year with American Family Studios’ Michael Perkins was disappointed. The luncheon and time of fellowship was thoroughly enjoyed; Michael’s presentation on LGBT Activists in the Church was clear and enlightening; and afterward, conversations and desserts were in abundance. People ate both physically and spiritually, then left encouraged to stand boldly and compassionately in the Lord’s strength and on His Word.

Bill Johnson introduced Michael, setting the stage for his presentation with some very fitting words from Mr. Perkins new book, Dangerous Affirmation. I’ll share some of those words here and encourage people to buy the book for themselves as well as the DVD of Wednesday’s presentation. DVDs of this presentation can be purchased for $10 a piece by calling 231-924-4050 or emailing

Truth demands proper application to every aspect of our life and society.

There are five central ways in which ‘gay Christianity’ is impacting the Christian church: the rethinking of theology (chapter 1), the rethinking of the Bible (chapter 2), the rethinking of the church (chapter 3), the rethinking of identity (chapter 4), and the rise of LGBT activists within the church (chapter 5). Each chapter includes a careful explanation of some facet of that problem, illustrations of how these things have been seen, and guidance for understanding these issues in light of scripture….

 “…Like other forms of LGBT activism, ‘gay Christianity’ is a complex and constantly shifting concern.  It is restless and relentless.  Terms change, emphases shift, and challenges are brought in.  It can, at times, sound quite agreeable—as if the only ones truly concerned about Christian love and church unity are those who support ‘gay Christianity.’ But we much look deeper than the surface claims of inclusion and justice to understand whether these statements are truly biblical…

For those concerned about honoring God with your lives, I hope and pray that this book stirs you to think about the threat ‘gay Christianity’ poses to the church and the world.  I hope it renews your thinking because it presents the Word of God clearly and applies the truth accurately. That is my goal.

Michael began his presentation with a history of the LGBT in context of how we got here – not just acceptance but affirmation both as a culture and in the church.

LGBT activists had a strategic gameplan which included making the average person seem to be the problem, not the homosexual. As they accomplished this goal, they were able to change all of society little by little -medicine, entertainment, education, and eventually the church.

As Michael quoted from a book written in 1989, I couldn’t help thinking that their gameplan was actually a battleplan, a war strategy as it were. As I recognized that it was a war strategy against the church, the Word of God, and therefore, necessarily, against God, it was easy to see how this is spiritual warfare being used against us by the evil one.

This very well-done and interesting talk was centered around three key lies that these LGBT activists use against the church and Michael’s gracious responses to them, showing how they can affect individual Christians and encouraging the audience to hold fast to the Bible at every junction.

Lie #1:  Christian opinion is split on homosexuality.

Lie #2:  Conservative churches are anti-science.

Lie #3:  Christians are homophobic.

We’ve all witnessed the move from tolerance to acceptance to affirming to celebrating the LGBT lifestyle on our nation and, sadly, in many churches of which we’re aware. Michael Perkins shows us clearly the road we travelled to get here and shows us, with care, love, and compassion, the road we must travel if we are to save others from these deceptions and stay true to God.

He warns that Christians must never be mean or nasty toward homosexuals or activists, instead, calling us to share the gospel with them and pray for them. He also encouraged us to pray that God would give us boldness to speak as we ought and to know what to say, reminding us that questions are often better than statements.

Whether you were in attendance or not, don’t miss the opportunity to have this presentation for your own. Watch it again, share it with friends, and help others learn the Biblical truth regarding these lies and doctrines of devils. DVDs of this presentation can be purchased for $10 a piece by calling 231-924-4050 or emailing


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