The American Girl doll company is now telling girls they can actually become a boy. Not only is it an odd marketing ploy to undermine sales from their customer base, but more importantly it’s a blatant attempt to undermine children’s innocence, alienate them from their parents, and convert them into the Left’s woke cult.
For decades, American Girl was a wholesome, trusted alternative to sexualized toys for little girls. Originally, the line of dolls depicted girls from various periods of American history, but was expanded to include characters from contemporary life. Associated with each doll is a storybook about the life of that character. The original six book series sought to teach aspects of American history from the perspective of a girl living in that time period. Since its inception in 1986, American Girl introduced children to our nation’s history and portrayed positive role models for little girls to emulate.
However, since Mattel acquired the brand, American Girl has increasingly used their products to indoctrinate children with a woke agenda. For example, a 2002 American Girl publication entitled A Smart Girl’s Guide to Boys, was updated in 2020 to include same-sex relationships, and is now titled A Smart Girl’s Guide: Crushes. And since 2005, American Girl has partnered with Girls, Inc., a group that promotes abortion and LGBT sex education. In 2021 the American Girl doll of the year, Kira, and the accompanying book, “Kira Down Under” pushed the homosexual agenda portraying the “marriage” of two lesbians.
American Girl used to help teach history and culture, depicting examples of femininity, as well as strength of character. Now, instead of encouraging girls to value the uniqueness of the God-given design of their gender, American Girl is sowing seeds of dissatisfaction with who they are and telling them that they can change their gender.
“Gender joy” is a section in American Girl’s newest book “A Smart Girl’s Guide: Body Image,” which targets girls 8-11 years-old.
The book tells little girls: “While gender expression is what you show on the outside, gender identity is how you feel on the inside–a girl, a boy, or someone who doesn’t quite ft into either category. When a baby is born, a doctor looks at the baby’s body parts to assign its sex-whether the baby is female or male. Most kids grow up feeling comfortable in the sex the doctor assigned. This kind of person is cisgender. (Say it sis-jen-dur.) But for some, that assigned sex doesn’t match who they know they are inside. A kid who was assigned as male might know herself to be a girl inside, for example. Someone whose gender is different than the sex they were assigned at birth is transgender. Some people don’t feel like a girl or a boy inside which is totally OK! People in this group are usually called nonbinary and might use a pronoun like they instead of he or she. … Parts of your body might make you feel uncomfortable, and you might want to change the way you look. That’s totally OK!
What pre-teen or teenage girl doesn’t feel uncomfortable with their body and want to change it? But American Girl is insinuating that those feelings of being unhappy with their body, might mean they’re “really” a boy. And what “parts” might they want to change? American Girl is referring to the mutilation of body parts distinctive to females – the removal of breasts.
Grace Emily Stark, writing for the Federalist warns: “When even American Girl has bought into this evil notion that to be comfortable in one’s skin requires the mutilation of our bodies, it is not sensational to say that they are, in fact, coming for our children — and yours could be next.”
Chloe Cole is one of the many victims of radical gender ideology, such as what American Girl is promoting to children. Having been convinced that she was a boy trapped in a girl’s body, Chloe began taking puberty-blockers at the age of 13 and had both of her breasts removed at 15. However, she grew out of her delusion, as most teens do, and is now courageously speaking out against the “transitioning” of children. Watch her powerful testimony here and here.
American Girl’s transgender propaganda in their “A Smart Girl’s Guide: Body Image” continues with: “Being transgender is not an illness or something to be ashamed of. If you’re questioning your gender identity—or if you already know for sure that you’re trans or nonbinary—talk with an adult you trust, like a parent or school counselor. … If you haven’t gone through puberty yet, the doctor might offer medicine to delay your body’s changes, giving you more time to think about your gender identity. … If you don’t have an adult you trust, there are organizations across the country that can help you. Turn to the resources on page 95 for more information.”
American Girl is encouraging girls to take harmful puberty blockers. Puberty blockers don’t just put puberty on “pause,” they cause irreversible damage such as infertility, an increase risk of cancer, and stop brain and bone development.
Equally troubling are American Girl’s attempts to separate children from their parents, implying that girls can’t go to their parents with their concerns, and instead points them to pro-LGBT “resources.” As one of the many negative reviewers on Amazon stated: “A doctor does not assign your sex at birth. That is created long before you exit the birth canal. And telling girls it’s okay to use puberty blockers and to give them resources if their parents don’t approve? SICK!! This book should teach girls to be happy in your own GIRL body and how to accept that and be proud to be a girl.”
American Girl has done a complete reversal: a once wholesome product that affirmed the innocence of girlhood and the beauty of being feminine, has instead become another corrupting, destructive force seeking to indoctrinate children.
For decades, Leftists have been implementing their agenda to influence the next generation using every means available, including American Girl. And it has worked. While far too many Christian parents think their kids will just automatically pick up their values by osmosis, the Left has systematically discipled our children to be followers of the culture, rather than Christ.
It’s troubling that often the Left demonstrates more zeal in stealing our children’s hearts than we do in winning them for Christ. Christian parents need to be purposeful in guiding their children and steeping them in Biblical truth.
We also need to start pushing back at the forces which are attempting to inculcate our children and grandchildren. One small step you can take is to contact American Girl, letting them know you will not support a company that pushes LGBT ideology on children. See contact information below.
American Girl
Barbarella Coates – CEO
23330 Eagle Drive
Middleton, WI 53562
Corporate Phone Number: 1-608-831-5210
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