TONIGHT is the night!

By: Steve Huston

Join us TONIGHT, July 23, from 6:30 to 9:30 PM at Oakhill EPC (1930 Leonard NE, Grand Rapids) as Calvin graduate and noted musician Glenn Bulthuis and American Family Association movie producer M.D. Perkins are hosted by the American Decency Association.

Do NOT miss out on this unique opportunity as Glenn Bulthuis speaks on Distorting His Image: A Christian College Caters to LGBTQ. When Christian institutions of higher education bow to the secular and unbiblical views of Marxism and the acceptance and exaltation of sin that works at tearing down the moral foundation of the family unit – God’s building block of society – those churches and their institutions are off the mark and have become a danger, instead of a safe haven for the society and culture they are meant to affect for good. Hear the warning and leave planning to take action in the way that God may lead.

Do NOT miss out on hearing M.D. Perkins (producer of the incredible film “In His Image”) speak clearly, compassionately, and with Biblical authority on the topic of The Bible and “Gay Christianity.” We as believers must be prepared to give a reasoned, compassionate, Biblical response to those mired in sexual sin. M.D., having a heart and mind for God and compassion for those who are deceived, yet are image bearers of God, M.D. seeks to glorify God and to equip us to respond lovingly and Biblically regarding issues of gender identity and sexuality.

These men are here for such a time as this by God’s design; make it a priority to be at this event, bringing others with you. It’s not just a cultural and societal issue; it’s an issue of souls. May we never forget this when we are dealing with others.

Don’t forget: Oakhill EPC(1930 Leonard NE, Grand Rapids 49505) at 6:30 PM. If you are unable to attend tonight, please be in strong prayer for this event.

If you can’t make it this Friday but would still like to hear M.D. Perkins speak, here is a list of other Michigan venues where he will be bringing truth:

July 25 (Sunday) – Dutton United Reformed Church (URC), 6950 Hanna Lake Ave., Caledonia 49316. 11:00 – 11:45 AM (Sunday School Hour)

July 25 (Sunday) – ADA headquarters 203 East Main Street 6:30 – 8:00 PM – Some behind-the-scenes into AFA’s motivation “In His Image”

July 28 (Wednesday) – Fremont, ADA headquarters 203 East Main Street. 3:00 -5:30 PM
Speaker 1: Pastor Dan Gilmore – The reticence of the church and our need for the church to arise
Speaker 2: M.D. Perkins: The Revoice Movement’s Unique Challenge to Orthodoxy
Panel discussion

July 29 (Thursday) – ADA Headquarters 203 East Main Street. Fremont MI (6:30 – 9:00 PM)

Speaker 1: Meeke Addison (AFR radio personality – Airing the Addisons)

Speaker 2: M.D. Perkins, Understanding the Revolution

Again, we urge you to join us in prayer for these various locations, speakers, listeners, and those who will be affected as people leave these meetings prepared to share the truth with others.

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