It’s Vital that YOUR VOICE be heard

By: Steve Huston


The “For the People Act” is an ACT AGAINST THE PEOPLE! The beauty of our form of government is that we are a republic; as such,it is our DUTY, as citizens, to let those who are supposed to speak for us know what we think and want – or do NOT want.

Many of you may have probably heard talk about the deceptively named “For the People Act” (officially known as H.R. 1 or its Senate counterpart S. 1). If not, I urge you to inform yourself by reading Heritage Foundation’s analysis of this attack on our First Amendment and assault on free and fair elections here.

In short, this bill hopes to unconstitutionally federalize state elections and “legally” implement (or cement) the way things were done during the “COVID” election for future elections (absentee ballots, mail-in voting, etc). This is a very bold and very dangerous attempt to take power away from the people, giving it to those in the U.S. Congress and the administrative state. The “For the People Act” is an ACT AGAINST THE PEOPLE!

The American Family Association (AFA) has a prewritten letter you can email to your U.S. senators and representatives. You are also able to add your own words of concern to it as well. We urge you to click here and send this email to those who are to represent your best interest.  Remember, they took an oath of office to uphold and protect the Constitution from enemies both foreign and domestic.

AFA wants you to know this about H.R. 1/S. 1 as well: “These deceptive and destructive bills would require non-profit organizations like American Family Association to publicly disclose financial donors’ names to the federal government. These names would then be made available to the public and searchable on government websites. Names of donors could then be used, for example, to publicly intimidate those whose religious convictions define marriage as being between one man and one woman, or those who believe that sex is a fixed biological reality established at conception. Such an act of intimidation of donors would harm the ability of non-profit organizations to advocate on behalf of their supporters. These bills would weaponize the Federal Election Commission against Americans and use the force of government as a way to silence dissenting opinion.

Time is of the essence, the U.S. Congress will likely vote on these bills soon; so LET YOUR VOICE BE HEARD! Tell your U.S. senators and representative to stand up publically and represent YOU! Urge them to vote against H.R. 1and S.1. Do NOT delay; click here urging your elected official to ACT for the People by publically standing and voting against the “For the People Act!”

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