First U.S. Chief Justice John Jay warned: “No human society has ever been able to maintain both order and freedom, both cohesiveness and liberty apart from the moral precepts of the Christian religion…Should our republic ever forget this fundamental precept of governance this great experiment will then be surely doomed.” He’s right; but some will say, “What about everything we’re going through?”
With false and hollow speech calling for unity and healing while attacking those who they call for unity with, how should we respond? With censorship, election fraud, lacking commonsense COVID “science” (with its masking, social distancing, and questionable vaccinations); promotion of the Red-Green axis (strange bedfellows of communism and Islam), China and their stealing of our intellectual property, technology, and their desire to overtake America’s economy, etc.; to deplatform a duly elected president and the Left’s desire to impeach him again (the first time fraudulently and at great expense to the taxpayer), lawlessness and injustice; the fact that Big Tech can shut down conservative platforms, apps, and websites, and yet still host child porn, thereby encouraging human trafficking, degradation of those created in the image of God, and selling sin; abortion; Antifa not being designated as a domestic terrorist organization while those who marched peacefully, thanks to a handful of dissidents (and most of those likely strategically placed Leftists), are targeted as domestic terrorists; it’s easy to understand the frustration and anger. At the time of this writing, the Biden/Harris administration hasn’t even taken office yet and the First Amendment, for all practical purposes, is dead and they are already setting their sights on wresting the Second Amendment from our Bill of Rights as well. Technocracy. The Great Reset in which we are given hope to “build back better,” who in their right mind wouldn’t fight against these things?
Maybe the hypocritical inconsistency drives you nuts: “There needs to be unrest in the streets,” (Rep, Ayanna Pressley D-MA) Regarding violent mobs: “They’re not gonna let up and they should not let up.” (Kamala Harris “vice-president elect”) “If you see anybody from that cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store…you get out and you create a crowd you push back on them…” (Rep. Maxine Waters D-CA) “I just don’t know why there aren’t uprisings all over the country. Maybe there will be.” (Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi D-CA) Great numbers of others have called for violence against President Trump, his family, and his supporters. We’ve seen it perpetuated against MAGA hat wearers; yet no charges against those elected officials who have incited such vitriol. On the other hand, in the face of an apparent stolen election, the President calls for peaceful protestors to come to Washington D.C. as is their First Amendment right to “peaceful assembly,” and he is accused of causing a riot and blamed for a handful of people who “stormed the Capitol.”
Our concerns are further founded as the 117th Congress opens with prayer to “the creator god Brahma” and ending with “Amen and A woman.” House Republican leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) also warns: “…this majority of the new 117th Congress plans to adopt new rules that would silence our constituents’ voices in Congress. … Worse, they would penalize any member who shares news or views that maybe our allies in the media deem fake. … For our constituents, it means freedom of speech is silenced. Good ideas are stifled. And dissent is punished.”
With the hope of justice and a restoration of constitutional principles constantly being laid before us only to be consistently yanked away, it’s natural that our emotions rise and fall like a yoyo. It drives some to exhaustion, depression, and sets many on edge, ready to snap in anger or give up in despair. But for the Christian, Jesus has a better way; after all, He is our Hope, our Comfort, Redeemer, and Sustainer. He tells us to love our enemies, to bless them that curse us, and to turn the other cheek. This does not mean that we set the truth down and remain silent, but we must always check our motives to be sure we are doing so in love and to the glory of God.
In keeping with the words of Jesus and the example laid down by Him and his disciples, Jonathan Edwards, in his farewell sermon, gives advice that we must implement in our personal lives, particularly in these days we find ourselves in and those not far off:
“As you seek the prosperity of this society, it is of vast importance that you should avoid contention. … Contention, heat of spirit, evil speaking, and things of like nature, are directly contrary to the spirit of Christianity, and do, in a peculiar manner tend to drive away God’s Spirit from a people, and to render all means of grace ineffectual, as well as to destroy a people’s outward comfort and welfare. … watch over your spirits and avoid all bitterness towards others. However wrong you may think others have been, maintain with great diligence and watchfulness a Christian meekness and gentleness of spirit; and labour, in this respect, to excel those who are of a contrary part. … Indulge no revengeful spirit in any case; but watch and pray against it; and, by all means in your power, seek the prosperity of this town. And never think you behave yourselves as becomes Christians, except when you sincerely, sensibly, and fervently love all men, of whatever party or opinion, and whether friendly or unkind, just or injurious, to you or your friends, or to the cause and kingdom of Christ.” After all, as Jesus admonished, “For if ye love them which love you, what reward have ye? do not even the publicans the same? And if ye salute your brethren only, what do ye more than others? do not even the publicans so? Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect.” (Matthew 5:46-48)
The answer to America’s problems is not a Constitution or a certain administration. The answer is humble repentance, turning from our wickedness and living in holiness, and trusting in Jesus’ atoning work on the cross. Love and share the Gospel; that will change America.
Seeing then that all these things shall be dissolved, what manner of persons ought ye to be in all holy conversation and godliness, Looking for and hasting unto the coming of the day of God, wherein the heavens being on fire shall be dissolved, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat? Nevertheless we, according to his promise, look for new heavens and a new earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness. Wherefore, beloved, seeing that ye look for such things, be diligent that ye may be found of him in peace, without spot, and blameless.~ 2 Peter 3:11-14
We are grateful to God that He has moved on the hearts and minds of our friends, showing us a little of what is inside them. Your notes of encouragement, prayers, and financial support mean so much to us; without them, we wouldn’t be able to do the important work that God has laid upon us.
Won’t you prayerfully seek the Lord’s will to come alongside us again, supporting us in whatever manner you feel led? Thank you.
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