Freedom Realized

By: Steve Huston

An important announcement and request from Bill Johnson, founder and president of the American Decency Association, before today’s email alert:

I’m writing to you as a strong, caring person; burdened for our schools to not undermine Biblical values. I am asking you for a show of strong support on Monday at 6:30 PM in Whitehall. The teachers union has sent an email out asking teachers to show up in strength on Monday (9.20.21). They desire to overwhelm parents and children who are against their school advancing homosexual ideology.

Numbers of us (people like you and me) are needed to show strong support for children and parents who don’t want to be bullied by heavy-handed Gay-Straight Alliance propaganda or by a school administration that is not being held accountable by a school board which is out of touch with the people they are representing.

The 6:30 pm meeting location will be at Viking Athletic Complex
541 East Slocum Street
Whitehall Michigan

I recognize that this email is going out to those of you who live too far away to attend the meeting in Whitehall. We urge you to stand in prayer with those who will be standing at this meeting. Prayerfully, let us open our hearts to this important need to stand up for what is good, right and true.


Freedom Realized

Mark your calendars, set a reminder on your phone, tell your friends, and do NOT miss the Freedom Realized Conference. This unique conference focuses on the transforming and freeing power of Jesus Christ in the life of those who were once caught up in sexual sin or addiction. (More information near the end of email)

There is nothing more exciting than realizing the transforming power of the gospel of Jesus Christ in one’s life; truly, it is the power unto salvation to everyone that believes. It’s no wonder that the apostle Paul was not ashamed of it and exhorted others to proclaim it! The freedom that comes from this transformation that takes place is nothing short of miraculous. “If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed.” (John 8:36)

These are more than just nice words; they are truth and they are life. Whether one has been caught up in theft, murder, homosexuality, alcoholism, adultery, various addictions or any other sin “big or small,” the blood of Jesus not only saves us from them, but as Charles Wesley wrote in O For a Thousand Tongues to Sing, “He breaks the power of cancelled sin.”

The church believed and taught these truths from the beginning until recently. Now, according to the leadership and a growing number of people in church, Jesus saves and transforms from every sin except the sins surrounding the LGBTQ+ crowd. There are those like Greg Bell and the Revoice movement who are out there “promoting an idea that LGBTQ+ needs to be normative in the church as a sexual minority.” That’s how Stephen Black of First Stone Ministries describes their view; but continues with his Biblical view stating, “When you turn the grace of God into lasciviousness, like Jude’s epistle says, you’re denying Jesus as Lord.”

Janet Mefferd interviewed Stephen Black of First Stone Ministries. They discussed the attacks against him and against the Biblical truth which he proclaims. I encourage you to listen to this interview as he warns of how the LGBTQ+ contingent of the church are coming after our children and teens.

The American Decency Association has a deep concern for the youth of this nation and desires to see these impressionable young people know the power of God, of cancelled sin, and the transforming power of Jesus Christ for any who believe on Him.  As we see the LGBTQ+ being welcomed into many schools and into many churches, influencing young easily swayed minds, we felt compelled to bring Stephen Black and Laura Leigh Stanlake to West Michigan to share their stories of redemption and transformation—ALL TO THE GLORY OF GOD!

Join us for the Freedom Realized Conference at one or more of these locations to be encouraged by a brother and sister in the Lord, who have been set free, as they share the truth of Scripture.

Thurs. Oct. 7, 2021: Whitehall, Michigan (Location and time to be announced)

Fri. Oct. 8, 2021: 6:30 PM – 9 PM Oakhill EPC (1930 Leonard NE, Grand Rapids 49505)

Sat. Oct. 9, 2021: 9 AM – Noon American Decency Building (203 E. Main St. Fremont, MI)

Sun. Oct. 10, 2021: Location and time to be announced

Keep your eyes on your inbox to learn more information in the days and weeks ahead. I would encourage you to take time to read the call of First Stone Ministries below:

The Mission

Leading people In the Body of Christ to freedom from homosexuality and sexual brokenness* through a relationship with Jesus Christ as Lord; to reach out to churches, schools, organizations, and the general public by providing education, biblical discipleship, support and AIDS ministry..

To Minister

To minister healing and restoration in all areas of brokenness. We specialize in leading those caught in a homosexual lifestyle and other areas of sexual brokenness to freedom in Jesus Christ. We are dedicated to the healing of the homosexual, and otherwise sexually broken, and wounded. Freedom from homosexuality is not a method, but a person, Jesus Christ; therefore we are dedicated solely to the purpose of bringing the life of Christ to people who desire to live their lives more like Jesus Christ and His examples given in the scriptures. We minister freedom through a personal and intimate relationship with Jesus Christ as Lord.

To Educate

To educate churches and Christians how they may respond biblically, compassionately, and knowledgeably to those impacted by homosexuality, relational and sexual sins, abuse and AIDS.

*Sexual Brokenness: Devastation brought about by behaviors outside of God’s original intent of sexuality. These include adultery, promiscuity/fornication, homosexuality, lesbianism, sexual abuse, molestation, prostitution, pornography, transexuality and transvestitism.

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American Decency Association
P.O.Box 202
Fremont, MI 49412
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