A Personal Note from the President

By: Bill Johnson

I know that as we approach the Christmas season that it is much more “politically correct” to be jolly.   I also want you to know that I am writing a little more personally as we close out this year because I/we genuinely care so much about you.  This has been a very difficult year for many of us. The battle lines have been drawn and we are no longer able just to surmise that all is going to go well because it always has.

If you aren’t in the habit of doing so, I sincerely hope that you will check out our new web page, https://americandecency.org

Here’s why. The search engine covers perhaps at least half of our work history.  In the search engine, if you go to mission history you will see a list of spiritual fights that we fought going back to 1985.  The list goes up to 2015. I hope to bring it up-to-date as things settle down. Many of you that have been with me for a long time and will appreciate our longevity and our rich history of grassroots, faithful day in and day out activity.

For many years Rev. Donald Wildmon, American Family Association’s Founder and President, was known for being able to see ahead 10 years. Not that he was able to forecast the particulars of what evil would come next, but that he had a way of preparing those around him spiritually at least to some degree. The best that I can do is try to give you my best counsel on what God has shown me in His service since 1985. God has kept us close to Him; He has taught, guided, disciplined and kept us in His care.

I write because I’m concerned for all of us as we close out 2021 and very shortly roll into another year.

Here are some points that I would like to make.

  1. We have been an incredibly blessed nation. We have been spoiled. We have been entertained – overly entertained. The exact movie we want, right at the finger tips (with often little discernment), the hamburger wasn’t done just the way it was desired – “ketchup and mustard hold the pickle.” Give the burger back at the drive through because it wasn’t done just right. The steak needed to be a little more done – I’m saying to excess. We have become accustomed to getting what we want, when we want it.
  1. Back in 1978, just to choose a year, church attendance was yet very strong with a morning and an evening service in many parts of the country. There was a Wednesday night prayer meeting at many churches. Now there are very few churches that even have an evening service. Even fewer have a prayer meeting.  America’s churches are in decline. 
  2. I saw an article a few years ago that I have also heard quoted. It read American Christianity is 2000 miles wide and a 16th inch deep. You’ve likely heard the statement “As the church goes, so goes the family. As the family goes, so goes the country.”
  1. There are some people that are on the frontlines battling against voter fraud at their local precinct level or even statewide – very engaged. Others may be volunteering in some leadership capacity to bring much needed change at their local school – attending board meeting and reporting and praying and seeking to build relationship with leadership and seeking to be understood to bring much needed change. There are so many other fronts in which to be engaged, but many Christians have retreated.
  1. Understanding the times in order to know what to do. There are so many who are clueless at how fragile our nation finds itself right now. Our newsletters are deeply appreciated by so many of you and we know that because you tell us by email, note, and verbally. We dig deep and we pray and discuss throughout the month leading up to writing them.  These articles in this newsletter are prayed through and are very serious!!  And, as many of you say, often loved ones go on oblivious to what is occurring.  We write as we do because the times have gotten very, very serious – like nothing most of us have never seen.  We need to be turning to God. 
  2. We urge you to draw closer to God! One of the things that God showed me back when I was in a spiritual fight to get freed from pornography was to SEEK GOD. Get serious. This is not a little game we are playing here.  We are talking about our God!  He wants our hearts.  He wants our lives. He wants our obedience.  He wants us to experience true fellowship with Him in Spirit and in Truth.  He wants us to mend our marriages (if they need mending). He wants us to want to get right with Him, with our children, our families.  He wants us to become involved with a Bible-believing church where Christ is proclaimed faithfully – where sin in preached against and the Word is preached accurately. 
  3. We urge you to understand that as we see inflation, gas prices soaring, vaccination mandates being enforced, China asserting its global threat both economically and militarily, etc., there will be ripple effects all across the world. We and our loved ones must be prepared and stay strong in the Lord.

I encourage you to learn how to fellowship with the Lord. Start with reading a chapter a day. What is it saying to you?  Then pray and ask God to lead you and strengthen you to be faithful to Him in daily devotions.  We will all face hardship and difficulties.  There is no better way than to have Christ anchoring you – come what may.  Share with others. Help your kids/grandkids to see that you are finding help in God and in His Word.  If you would like to have a few others suggestions, I sure hope you’ll call me at 231-924-4050 or email me at bjohnson@americandecency.org

Lastly, thank you for helping us to keep on in His ministry – in His Glorious Name! Merry Christmas to each of you!

Thank you for being a part of our ministry throughout these years. We hope that you see fit to continue to support us financially and with your prayers.  Your partnership is as important today as perhaps never before.  As God leads, will you help strengthen us for the coming year’s battles? You can support us by visiting our new donation page: https://give.cornerstone.cc/americandecency.

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