Zoom with ADA and Dick Manasseri

By: Bill Johnson

Coming up tomorrow (8/6/2020) will be a particularly provocative Zoom interview that I am  looking forward to.  It is with my friend Dick Manasseri who is the founder of Southeast Michigan Tea Party in the greater Detroit area.

Dick is formerly from Washington, DC and worked in the federal government in years past.
He is one of those particularly heart stirred men who not only fights with his heart but with his mind and soul.  He has particular insights into the Muslim Brotherhood in the greater Detroit area including Sterling Heights and Dearborn.

As ADA was bringing in outstanding national movers and shakers, Dick was as well; having brought in Phil Haney, a name many of you are familiar with by now.  Phil, we believe was murdered in February of this past year in his home state of California.  We both are heart-broken to this very day.  We will be discussing and updating regarding this tragic loss.

But, we will be talking about many other matters as well.  One other news item that should get your attention is how Dick was invited to attend a so-called Bridge meeting in the greater Detroit area; a meeting that included the FBI and the Muslim Brotherhood.  This meeting put on display, unbeknownst to the FBI, the clear evidence that the FBI has been co-opted by the Muslim Brotherhood.  I will be asking Dick to share details regarding this and other important inside news to assist us in “understanding the threat.”

Zoom with us and Dick Manasseri tomorrow (Thursday) at 1:00 PM (EST).

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