Zoom – Vote as if …

By: Bill Johnson


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Vote as if ….

Discussion with four special guestsADA staff as we discuss “Vote as if …”

Here is the backdrop:

Fill in the blank.  Here’s how I will fill it in.  Vote as if FREEDOM IS AT STAKE – BECAUSE IT IS.  I don’t like hype so please know this as I take my best shot at this important topic.

Any amateur historian (including me) knows that nations can go down really fast; that it can take years to build up a nation, but a nation can go down within a very short season of time.

Some of the most passionate voices that we hear regarding America are those who have been born and raised in foreign countries where socialism/communism prevail – which is many, many countries around the world.  They speak with emotion in their voices.  People like (my short list):  Kamal Saleem, Nonie Darwish, Dinish D’Souza, Trevor Loudon, Raphael Cruz, Sebastian Gorka.  They would echo Ronald Reagan’s words:  If America goes down, the whole world goes down.

We have become complacent after years of peace, abundance, tranquility, safe neighborhoods, freedom to move about, to worship, to speak our mind.  We take for granted electricity, water, supermarkets filled with fresh fruits and vegetables, meats, and multiple choices of cereals, cosmetics, medicines, clothing items.  Even as California’s leftist ideas have now led to rolling blackouts in that state, many of our nation’s churches still suffer from the stripping of their religious liberty, and millions of Americans are forced to follow unconstitutional dictates of masking and social distancing in order to purchase basic necessities. The list could go on and on.

All of these incredible blessings have been upon our nation for these many years in spite of the flaws and corruption of both parties.   But as the years pass by, the differences between the parties has become immense from the standpoint of several things that are and will increasingly impact not only national security, but local security and FREEDOM.

We have loved ones and friends who don’t see the threat. What do we say to them?   Anything?  Nothing?

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Or join by calling:  1-312-626-6799

Meeting ID: 871 3278 1795
Passcode: 598560

In addition, we urge you to join us on Thursday evening (7:00-8:30 PM) at the American Decency Headquarters located at 203 E. Main St, in Fremont, Michigan for our weekly prayer meeting.

These are meant to be times of encouragement, unifying, and a stirring of our spirits to further prayer as we see the work of the evil one unfolding in our day. The devil may be working, but he can go no further than God, in His sovereignty, allows. In these days we need to encourage one another to continued faithfulness and to share the saving gospel of Jesus Christ.

Please stand with us in praying for His mercy upon our land, recognizing that we do not deserve it, yet pleading for it. Join us in person or in spirit Thursday evening at 7 PM (EST) at 203 E. Main St, in Fremont, Michigan. Share this with others, urging them to pray with us in person or in spirit.

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